Is This the Sub-forum to Discuss Day Trading in?


I'm new here, new to trading, and trying to develop a day trading system for myself.

I'm aspergers, and perhaps unsurprisingly, I'm more systemic than discretionary. That will hope be a strength.

Don't know what folks here mean when they say to be flexible. If a stock reaches a certain criteria, buy passes another, sell--pretty simple, that; some may call that flexibility, but I say that be discipline.
then could be a pirate sometimes and sometime not, yes? if you autistic and EFD not matter what, anything good, get part in pantomime this time of year,
Believe it or not, friend, I believe in civil discourse; the caveman logic of today's politics is so brutal, i can't stand it: "I GOP--you jackass!"

No, I won't stoop to that level, but the wild be calling.

Guess my linguistic folksiness is making it hard to be seriously taken, though--isn't that right, Dong? I take it that I'm distracting from the focus on mammon, and that's the problem--correct?