Sticky Introduce Yourself

Imc financial markets

Hey Guys!

I'm new to the Trade2Win forum but glad that I have finally found this forum as I have come across a lot of useful information in over the last few hours...I just wish that I had known about this site a few years ago.

I applied for the IMC Financial Markets Graduate Trader program and received a request to tackle the online GIA test.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips and tricks that will help?

Kind regards,

Hi all. I think it's pretty obvious from my forum name and profile, I work for a broker. I don't like making and sweeping statements, but one thing I can guarantee. I'm the only person authorised to post anything on the forum about what we do. I hate spam as much as anybody, so I won't be inflicting it on anybody.

Hi guys,
i'm new to this forum.
I've discovered forex trading 1 year and half ago, now i'm starting to understand it a bit.

Hey guys, I'm a techie trying to find my way into trading.

I was finishing up my Computer Science degree when the financial crisis started happening. I was really big into social networking and politics at the time. I knew the collapse would be a big deal so I started casually paper trading to try and understand it better. I quickly realized that I was much more interested in trading than I was politics or IT.

Since then I've watched the market almost every day using a Think or Swim demo account. I've done fairly well trading futures and options, but I don't know how well my results will transfer over to the real world.

When I graduated I found myself a job in tech at one of the large US banks. I'm now trying find a way to transition over to a trading job. It's difficult since I work outside of New York, and don't have access to anyone on the business side. I felt like I was in a bit of a rut trying to obtain this goal, and ended up stumbling on this site in the process.
thats a very nice rate of return. You are outperforming most (probably 99%) of fund managers over that time period

Welcome to the boards!


My name is Gavin McMaster, I’m 29 years old and I’m originally from Melbourne Australia. Currently I live with my wife Alex and 2 year old daughter Zoe in Grand Cayman which is where we have lived for the past 7 years. I work in the hedge fund industry but am really looking to get out of the 9-5 (more like 8-6 at the moment). I started up a website called Options Trading IQ in December 2010 as a way to help fellow traders learn from my successes and my mistakes.

My interest in the stock market can be traced back to Primary School, i can’t remember the teacher or the which grade, but she told a fictional story which has always stuck with me. It was a typical stock market tale of fear and greed, the two most powerful emotions in the financial markets. A stock trader who bought a stock at $1, watched in climb all the way up past $1000, but got greedy and wouldn’t sell assuming he would make more money. Of course some sort of bad news about the company came out and next thing you know the stock was back to $1. Of course this was a fictional story, but from that point on i was hooked. I bought my first shares when I was 13 and have been trading ever since, although more heavily in the last 6 years. I have bought just about every book you can think of on options trading. I also went back to school and completed my Masters in Applied Finance and Investment in August 2009. Still, there is only so much you can learn from a book and i have learnt so much more from actually trading options.

I’ve been trading options seriously for the past 6 years and my aim with my website is to help beginner option traders learn from my experiences and also follow along with some of my trades to learn about how I trade and learn from my successes and my failures. My primary aim is to help people who are in the same position I was in 5-6 years ago when I was starting out. I had some pretty big losses in those first few years because I didn’t know how to evaluate or control my risk. I’m at a point now when I finally feel successful and have managed to grow my account from 25K to 125K over the last 2 years. My aim is to increase that to 250K within 12-18 months, both through my returns and also plowing some extra savings into my account.

Eventually through the website I would like to offer live webinars and educational courses. I have also been doing some interviews with top traders and have that as free content on the site. At the moment everything is free!
I look forward to connecting with people on this site and sharing experiences with a view to mutually beneficial growth.

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:

hi every one,
good evening i am 'bhatia38" member since 2008 & not been prrticipating since.well i am back will try to be regular promise !!
stock trading since 1998-- holding the bag of stocks
jump into options 2004 doing fairly ok now i found the nich to see how that works out.
just started mid 2009 E-mini futures using Ninjatrader platform making$$ and giving back to market still trying to find happy medioum, any hints welcome.

i opend brokerge assisted account to trade comodity uno corn, wheat,hogs etc my account is not moving the way i want, beside round turn commission $ 50 which is very steep kind of on back burner till i find good resonable broker.

past few months i tumble upon SPX (s&p 500 index) all i do weekly trades sellto open 1contract way out of the money & collect the primum have been dowing since stare of the year, every week expired worthless ,so far i gained $1860.0 / 17 weeks = $110 per wk avrage. 0 loss. here is my current live trade... (example :SPX sell week2 1300 strike @ Limit $3.4 prium & wait to expire on 13th of friday keep the money & start over again.if this teade get FILL on monday). just in case buy back to EXIT trade @ loss u can never be right every time i have been lucky so the way SPX is a cash settled u dont have toworry about getting assigned if gose in the money mrket will settle cash not to worry margin calls

this is my trading story , i work full time as a civil engineer, hope didnot borewith long introduction, any one intrested to start the thared on SPX OR SPY most welcome to ask ?????????s please coments.

Nice to see a BB with real people on it rather than dafties.

I have been dabbling for a year or so, withe some modest success, but now want to develop some sort of system rather than just following other peoples tips. I dropped in here after seeing it mentioned by one of the more sane poster on Moneyextra, and will observe and contribute in the fullness of time. Some very interesting topics.

Ian McF

did u read my introduction serch "bhatia38"
Hi. I am Salvatore from Indonesia. This is the first time I write my post. Thank you for this chance. I want to know from members of this forum about how to be a consistent trader.
I hope you, all members will share your strategy for me in Indonesia.

Thank you
Hi everyone... I am Gabby and this is the first time I write my post. I am glad to have this chance to be interacting in this community of traders. My Forex Trading industry exposure in my home country the Philippines i suppose is to a much lesser degree than what most members of this forum may have had. If you would allow me, I wish to learn more ideas and insights from you guys related to a career and professional growth of a trader in the coming days...
Hi Guys - starting out today and look forward to learning and perhaps even sharing. I will be concentrating on Pure Price Action as I have now come full circle back to where I started 4 years ago.My previous trading has been in Futures - Eminis etc but now time to tackle FX. Better suited to my time zone - Hawkes Bay NZ.

I'm a virgin trader. I've never even owned stock in any of the companies I have worked for in the past. I have a lot to learn and I'm going to start my education by reading the books in the FAQ section of the forum. I'm very interested in learning how money and trading works. It is something that I have always wanted to learn about, but never have taken the time or had other priorities. I'll use the search function as much as possible to find answers to all of my questions, but I am sure I will be asking plenty too. This really is new territory for me and I'm quite excited about it.

Welcome Steve , Yep this is a huge world of learning. I have been studying & reading for about 4 yrs now. If you are interested - I have learn't 2 important things: Keep it as Simple as possible and don't go buying everything you see on line. Much of what you will read & access here in this Forum for free is far better than most of what you would pay for on line. Good Luck .
Welcome Steve , Yep this is a huge world of learning. I have been studying & reading for about 4 yrs now. If you are interested - I have learn't 2 important things: Keep it as Simple as possible and don't go buying everything you see on line. Much of what you will read & access here in this Forum for free is far better than most of what you would pay for on line. Good Luck .

Thanks Binnie. Yeah, I am going to just sit back and learn as much as possible for the time being. And as you pointed out, there are lots of services and information that can be bought on the web. I have no idea what I need at this point and won't be throwing any money at that for the time being. Learning the nuts and bolts of trading and really understanding how it all fits together vs just regurgitating information is my first goal.
