Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 49am

Clues now - above 1745 - look for scalp buys on pullbacks staying above 33

Under 1724 and 19 - scalp sells again

9 51 am

Been down to 137 00 now - great drop - but on 5 pip stop at 138 20 was not enough - shame

Like EU we need to watch 30 min rule on low now and look for scalp buys

9 51 am

Been down to 137 00 now - great drop - but on 5 pip stop at 138 20 was not enough - shame

Like EU we need to watch 30 min rule on low now and look for scalp buys

Can you see why EJ is normally my Intraday favourite

I had 28 pips off it on a buy from 6 51 am

Got 6 pips on scalp sell after 7 21 am - but missed the big drop on 30%

Now just got another 19 pips on a scalp buy

9 58 am

About the only pair remaining session bias from EO

Notice topping at 8144 - so need over 47 and 50 to be staying with scalp buys - otherwise see if we try supports at 24 and 20

10 00 am

Since 9 41 am - it made 43 pips in 19 mins - only got 19 pips of it though as late scalp buy entry

We should be able to sell again - but could be from higher - as 138 60 -80 are all R's
Notice GU from 9 41 am time - like EJ - was a great scalp buy - up over 40 pips - but not got one pip off that as concentrated on EJ and EU

Its nice when EU / GU / EJ all in sync - along with AU as well
10 16 am
Aa few topping being tried - EJ best - then GU at 92 - EU not quite made its mind up at 17 60 /61

Drop to 30% stakes if still in scalp buy on EU from 45 area
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