Intraday Data File Exchange for Sierra Chart

Lorenzo di Zenzo

Junior member
SC Users can exchange data files here. If you are away and have missed a few days data, or lost your connection, then hopefully someone can post the relevant file here.

How to exchange data
If you are willing to exchange data, please register on this thread, and state which data files you can exchange. I will keep a note of who has which data files and will post an update from time to time. If you need a data file then e-mail one of the Users or send him/her a private message. The data file can be posted here or e-mailed direct to the person needing it.

End of Day
It's best to post and download file at the end of the trading day so that you have a complete file to work with next day.

Instructions for Posting a File
The data files are located in the \Sierra Chart\Data folder; they have a *mnd extension. For example the Sept 03 Dow Futures file in IB format is YM-200309-ACE.mnd . These files only contain the OCHLV data for each minute of the day, there is no personal information within them. Attach the relevant data file to a posting and then others can download their missing data.

Instructions for Downloading a File
Rename your existing data file(s) *.bak. Copy each downloaded file to your \Sierra Chart\Data folder; check that they are all correct and then you can delete the *.bak files if you so wish.

Mybroker and IB files
It doesn't matter whether the data file was sourced from mybroker or IB, the data is in the same format. You can rename a mybroker file as an IB file and vice versa.

Very occasionally data files get corrupted, so don't overwrite your existing files without renaming them first......

Thanks Sharky, for enabling the exchange of data files

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