data conversion problem


I have data in ASCII comma-delimited (csv format) downloaded from Yahoo Finance or other sources.
To be able to work with some programs I convert them into Metastock format, then open The Downloader, I click on convert, I select the ASCII file of input and output directory and ... I do not get that error and no conversion.
The errors are:

Warning # 810: No data from source files converted
Error # 814: Invalid source file format

I also have some csv file that I have converted without problems.
I do not know what to think about: the size is right, character by character looking at a file that is converted with Notepad and the other seems to have exact the same format...

I hope someone can help me.

Could be a timestamp error or other data error.
Check the exact requirements of MT.
I've had similar before.

Free feeds can be prone to holes or the occasional error.
Ninja import gives line number of the error, you haven't mentioned that,
I don't now if MT reports line errors or not.

Warning # 810: No data from source files converted
Error # 814: Invalid source file format

Those numbers may just be the software code for that error.
Could also be the line number of the error - check those rows in excel.
Worth checking.
This is probably a long shot, but I had a similar issue with a program I was using when working with CSV files. The problem might be cause by the encoding format used when saving the CSV file.

When you save a file in Notepad, you will see a pull down option for encoding:

2) Unicode
3) Unicode big endian
4) UTF-8

Try re-saving in each format. Also, depending on the way the program reading the file was written, it could be looking for an 'End of file' null. If you have a space or an extra line at the end of the file (even if it is blank!) it can cause errors.