Internet Explorer gremlin


Junior member
Internet Explorer version 6 keeps warning me about that everytime I send information on the internet it may be possible for others to see it. Despite ticking the box not to remind me about this again it keeps giving the same warning. Any ideas to get rid of this message would be appreciated.
Hello Oatman, thanks for your advice. I believe this warning is just a standard message that IE 6 throws up each time information is sent on the internet rather than a warning based on my security set up. It's just annoying to have to click on OK everytime I send information on the internet.The option not to remind me about this again just does'nt seem to be working.
My security set up is OK :Outpost firewall, Nod32 AV,etc plus I always browse the internet with security set to high unless I have good reason to trust the website.
Trash IE - it has soo many security holes its unbelieveable - download Mozilla. Its much faster then IE, secure, robust and it has popup manager etc ..
Pervaz said:
Trash IE - it has soo many security holes its unbelieveable - download Mozilla. Its much faster then IE, secure, robust and it has popup manager etc ..

D'ont know about Mozilla but had a look at avantbrowser recommended by aarie5 in recent thread and this seems to offer everything in IE6 plus lots of extras for free download.This offers auto-refresh which could be useful when I eventually start to trade and wish to keep an eye on financial announcements without having to click on the refresh button.