IB & Trades not appearing


Legendary member
Is this just me ?

This is the second time I've had this happen.... Last night I hit the buy button (actually in Ninja) and nothing happened - I could see a trade pending in TWS but not confirmed.

Like a dick, I hit buy again - same thing....

So - after a while I thought I'd better contact IB trade desk - sure enough both positions had gone through. He told me to re-start TWS and sure enough - both trades there.

Then I aksed if this was a common issue - he said he didn't think so but he sure knew how to make those trades appear.

Anyone else have this ?

It happened once before to me - about a month ago - but I wasn't a dick about it and didn't double up that time...
TWS is a nightmare to work with. Every few days, I find myself having opened a position and can't find the price I got filled at. I feel your pain and can't imagine how many people have lost money due to these small errors.
The thing I can't stand with TWS is the way it freaks out when you do a trade... flashing, beeping, alerts going etc. I wish it would just take a chill pill. I choose to have alerts (I get an email when an order is filled), but it's not possible to turn off all the flashing stuff when a trade occurs.

I've not had any issues with being unable to see trades though .. are you on the latest version (911)?
The thing I can't stand with TWS is the way it freaks out when you do a trade... flashing, beeping, alerts going etc. I wish it would just take a chill pill. I choose to have alerts (I get an email when an order is filled), but it's not possible to turn off all the flashing stuff when a trade occurs.

I've not had any issues with being unable to see trades though .. are you on the latest version (911)?

Also had the same problem. With the kind of fast-paced trading I do, I can't have trade confirmation boxes popping up everytime. So, on my first day using IB TWS, I lost a bit of money on my first few trades because of all the boxes that would pop up as soon as I hit the buy/sell buttons...it caused me to lose my focus and price moved against me. The staff at IB should really take into account that not all people need all those boxes that you point out.
Having said all that, I find IB to be awesome. There's just no comparison to SB. I run a robot on FX cash, and have seen several instances where the market has gotten exactly to my stop level, and reversed, without the stop being filled. With SB, you're usually stopped when price gets to within a couple of pips.
Yes, IB is great. However, TWS is not very user-friendly.

With regards to your stop situation, I find that quite strange. In my earlier days of trading, when I used to put physical stops in the markets, I found that if that the bid/ask reached my stop price, IB would automatically execute my stop, which isn't what I wanted. I wanted IB to execute my stop only if a trade goes through at bid/ask for which my stop was set at. So I stopped putting physical stops in the market and now use mental stops.
I'm on 912.7 Build...

I think this may be the API from Ninja interfering BUT TWS is definitely getting the trade info from Ninja, it just can't get confirmation back on a fill or a cancellation.

Anyway - I do like TWS too - but I can see how people struggle with it - it is so configurable - which to a nerd like me is heaven. I do love the fact you can trade anything with it and have a fairly conistent platform across instruments.