How do you keep yourself in good physical shape?


So, guys trading ( as any activity that takes place in front of a computer screen ) is not contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Yeah, you can say – I automate all my processes, I only spend 10 minutes a day in front of my computer :cool: But for me, just getting into it I find that there are so many resources to learn, forums to visit, things to try that I spend a lot of time seated. So, my question to you, when you have to spend a lot of time in front of a monitor, what to you do to stay active and in good physical shape?

P.S. For me, I am thinking to get a bike to spend more time outdoors.
Stand up and work, go for a 40 minute walk, run up and down stairs several times, carry a sandbag as you move around, press ups, lunges, stretching and yes, go for a cycle, punch a bag, tabata.

Sitting is the new smoking 🏊‍♂️
It is extremely important for the trader to be in good physical shap because it is closely related to cogitive abilities, concentraition and the process of making decisions. Traders spending all their time in front of the monitors are more likely to make mistakes while healthy trader could stay focused longer and think faster. So, each trader needs both rest and physical activity, and it is good idea to connect these two things. It is necessary to dedicate time to making exercises, walking and, if possible - swimming. Many newbie traders think that they should work as much, as possible, but it is a great mistake. If they will spend too much time working, their productivity will decrease, so they will need to spend more and more time to make the same scope of work. Professionals always shedule some time for physical training (especially for cardio training) because they understand it would help them to manege with psychological pressure and overloads they face.
Another important aspect traders should pay attention for is their trading workplace. It should be comfortable enough for long working days othervise it would be harmful for their health. For example, monitors should be placed straight in front of the eyes to avoid problems with the neck. You can easily find various researches dedicated to the comfortable and healthy workplaces within the Internet because the humanity already faced this problem.
Stand up and work, go for a 40 minute walk, run up and down stairs several times, carry a sandbag as you move around, press ups, lunges, stretching and yes, go for a cycle, punch a bag, tabata.

Sitting is the new smoking 🏊‍♂️
I am blessed that my lift is always being repaired and I am on the 12th floor :)
It is extremely important for the trader to be in good physical shap because it is closely related to cogitive abilities, concentraition and the process of making decisions. Traders spending all their time in front of the monitors are more likely to make mistakes while healthy trader could stay focused longer and think faster. So, each trader needs both rest and physical activity, and it is good idea to connect these two things. It is necessary to dedicate time to making exercises, walking and, if possible - swimming. Many newbie traders think that they should work as much, as possible, but it is a great mistake. If they will spend too much time working, their productivity will decrease, so they will need to spend more and more time to make the same scope of work. Professionals always shedule some time for physical training (especially for cardio training) because they understand it would help them to manege with psychological pressure and overloads they face.
Another important aspect traders should pay attention for is their trading workplace. It should be comfortable enough for long working days othervise it would be harmful for their health. For example, monitors should be placed straight in front of the eyes to avoid problems with the neck. You can easily find various researches dedicated to the comfortable and healthy workplaces within the Internet because the humanity already faced this problem.
I couldn't agree with you more. I can even add that sometimes physical activity enables you to make decisions faster and bolder. For example, I found that after a skate session I am far less likely to hesitate or fear to make the wrong move – I just go for it and usually with a good outcome.

When you push yourself beyond your limit after some rest you are much more composed and ready to tackle challenges. And, trust me, if you overcome the fear of jumping on a moving, spinning board nothing can stop you :cool: :D
I couldn't agree with you more. I can even add that sometimes physical activity enables you to make decisions faster and bolder. For example, I found that after a skate session I am far less likely to hesitate or fear to make the wrong move – I just go for it and usually with a good outcome.

When you push yourself beyond your limit after some rest you are much more composed and ready to tackle challenges. And, trust me, if you overcome the fear of jumping on a moving, spinning board nothing can stop you :cool: :D
Better still one with handles, you could then practise horizontal pull-ups [emoji2956]
So, guys trading ( as any activity that takes place in front of a computer screen ) is not contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Yeah, you can say – I automate all my processes, I only spend 10 minutes a day in front of my computer :cool: But for me, just getting into it I find that there are so many resources to learn, forums to visit, things to try that I spend a lot of time seated. So, my question to you, when you have to spend a lot of time in front of a monitor, what to you do to stay active and in good physical shape?

P.S. For me, I am thinking to get a bike to spend more time outdoors.

Ditch the bike, save the bum and crushed crotch - walk/run instead
I want to maintain my body weight where it is as this correlates well with blood pressure. I don't have high blood pressure and I don't want it - its a serious health risk.

Most days I do either 40 minutes of Nordic walking or 40 minutes of cycling. The first 20 minutes of exercise burns fats, the body subsequently starts to burn carbohydrates. My aim is regular sessions of at least 20 minutes of exercise sufficient to raise the pulse rate. This gives a benefit of a higher metabolic rate over the next 19 hours - even if you're sedentary for that time. Its not necessary to exercise for many hours continuously to achieve this.

If you want to develop and improve specific areas of the body I'm sure someone can offer some pointers.
I want to maintain my body weight where it is as this correlates well with blood pressure. I don't have high blood pressure and I don't want it - its a serious health risk.

Most days I do either 40 minutes of Nordic walking or 40 minutes of cycling. The first 20 minutes of exercise burns fats, the body subsequently starts to burn carbohydrates. My aim is regular sessions of at least 20 minutes of exercise sufficient to raise the pulse rate. This gives a benefit of a higher metabolic rate over the next 19 hours - even if you're sedentary for that time. Its not necessary to exercise for many hours continuously to achieve this.

If you want to develop and improve specific areas of the body I'm sure someone can offer some pointers.
My body is a temple. Unfortunately, I'm an atheist.
Ditch the bike, save the bum and crushed crotch - walk/run instead
Actually running has a more negative impact on the joints, and if you are concerned about the safety of your crotch and the comfort of your bum you can get padded shorts. But if you like running more, then just run, it's personal preference :)
Actually running has a more negative impact on the joints, and if you are concerned about the safety of your crotch and the comfort of your bum you can get padded shorts. But if you like running more, then just run, it's personal preference :)

Its more than that, chief. By design the body is meant to walk and occasionally run. This native to Nature. Swimming is a very close 2nd to walking but not as native as walking. Combining all 3 into one leaves the next artificial contender further south than even Argentina

In the same vein but not relevant to this thread is the as close as possible adherence to whole foods as found in Nature. Lunch yesterday was brown rice with chick peas/lentils (super hi fiber), stir fried mixed fresh veggies in Sesame/olive oil plus a big Halibut broiled with cinnamon, cardamon, nutmeg with sea salt, pepper, lime and apple cider vinegar on it. The drink was straight watermelon blended, nothing added.
Actually running has a more negative impact on the joints, and if you are concerned about the safety of your crotch and the comfort of your bum you can get padded shorts. But if you like running more, then just run, it's personal preference :)

Re: joint impact of walking/running

I personally prefer the shock absorption built into the legs and hips to withstand such joint impact instead of exposing my balls to even the slightest form of such shock, padded seats notwithstanding.
Actually running has a more negative impact on the joints, and if you are concerned about the safety of your crotch and the comfort of your bum you can get padded shorts. But if you like running more, then just run, it's personal preference :)
Run sensibly for instance on grass, sand etc. somewhere soft.
I've been doing this for a few weeks now. It is an excellent workout.

Kettle bells, Bulgarian bag, sandbags, bodyweight, TRX, walking, oh yes, 40 mins a day ideal, a few sprints.

Nothing wrong with gadgets, bicycles, gardening, digging, lifting, shopping, rotate it all, anything to get motivated and stay motivated.

Just move, one day I'll take my own advice and stop relaxing in the hottub all the time [emoji16]
The best exercise is the one you'll do regularly as long as you don't injure yourself.
Don't forget the mental well being too. Very Important. I try to keep within my " comfort zone ". Let the kids rush around in circles.
For instance putting Fibo on ignore...….phew
I am a strong advocate of jujitsu (either Brazilian or Japanese).

Catharsis, confidence and social.
High addiction. That’s it.

Try it, google your closest club - first lessons usually free. What have you got to lose, it will change your life.
Don't forget the mental well being too. Very Important. I try to keep within my " comfort zone ". Let the kids rush around in circles.
For instance putting Fibo on ignore...….phew

There is a God. One more deadbeat gone. And dig this, I don't have to use the Ignore button. No filters. I thought I did, but its way to p*ssy-ish, not my style. :whistle::whistle::whistle:
Crossfit worked well for me over the past 5 years. Lifting, cardio and gymnastics combined with a great community.