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FAQ How Difficult is it to Trade?

Trading Forex is not an easy task if your aim is making a consistent profit over time. And it takes quite a long to achieve this goal.
@Dick Lexic
The standard of enlightenment on this site continues to deflate ones' stiff resolve to rise to the occasion and concentrate on the rare item that holds the interest firmly to the fore.
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: In essence, Learning forex its easy, but mastering its the Hard Part. You can learn the basic rules, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, candlestick, pivot points, time frame, trend lines, Fibonacci, support & resistance, price action, leverage, money management and position sizing, you can even Learn a hole system and methodology to trade mechanically and even with that you can lose money.

Very true. The game is just 10% knowledge, 10% technique but 80% psychology - your own psychology that is, because the only person who can make you lose is yourself. I have to go along with Mark Douglas's thinking when he says almost everything we have absorbed about being a good school pupil or employee or engineer or doctor or whatever, and the values we have learned about earning and using money, are the wrong preparation for being a good trader.
the idea that trading is easy technically is a bit of nonsense to me, yes it is after the fact, but trading in the now is extremely difficult, being able to read properly and take advantage of it is not easy at all, it is a skill, but not only, it is an art form and as in any kind of art form a great injection of creativity is a must.
being able to trade means being able to trade with consistency.....being lucky is not part of the equation..
I can't say that it is very difficult. The main in Forex is experience and patience, when you will got it, forex wouldn't be difficult for you anymore
One thing I found why forex is difficult it is because we have a beating heart and a functioning brain. It is the emotions that we have as humans that makes trading so damn difficult.

Forex trade, as well as any business, requires some effort, knowledge, time. And it's not always easy. Otherwise, all would have been millionaires. Therefore we must be prepared for challenges
I do not know what to say , how difficult it is . but here's my answer ( I'm 22 years old, is examined in detail this area , read a few books , I went to semminary . spent the day and the week before the monitor , I fell sight. Now go to the eye doctor checkups and to wear lenses .
Very true. The game is just 10% knowledge, 10% technique but 80% psychology - your own psychology that is, because the only person who can make you lose is yourself. I have to go along with Mark Douglas's thinking when he says almost everything we have absorbed about being a good school pupil or employee or engineer or doctor or whatever, and the values we have learned about earning and using money, are the wrong preparation for being a good trader.

Awesome. Best words i read today.
I once said to one of my colleagues at work that we tend to trade the way we are and the results speak for themselves. I've seen time and time again how different personalities lead to different trading styles, that's why there is no such thing as "best practice" in trading because it's impossible for the so-called "best" approach to fit in with all personality types. That's why this game is so damn hard because in actual fact you can trade fundamentals and technicals even better than the text books or pros tell you to do, yet the fact is that they also are driven and affected largely sentiment and emotion which is unpredictable and random at best.
Trading is not difficult but to gain its proper knowledge from proper place can be difficult. If you have proper knowledge of market and Forex Trading you can make profit with ease.
Trading is not difficult but to gain its proper knowledge from proper place can be difficult. If you have proper knowledge of market and Forex Trading you can make profit with ease.

Just make sure you dedicate yourself to learn more about this business. And one thing, don't take paid courses because most of them are scams...
To me trading may be difficult and easy at same time, it's difficult if the trader doesn't love what his doing and ease if the trader really loves what his doing. So trading is all about Mindset.
To me trading may be difficult and easy at same time, it's difficult if the trader doesn't love what his doing and ease if the trader really loves what his doing. So trading is all about Mindset.

It's not exactly true. You can't rely on mindset to trade good.
To me trading may be difficult and easy at same time, it's difficult if the trader doesn't love what his doing and ease if the trader really loves what his doing. So trading is all about Mindset.

Ah, some people enjoy it exactly because it's not easy - they like a challenge.