

hey how u doing? i just graduated from high school in june, im enlisting in the marine corps for 4 years as a military police officer. while in the military i plan on going to college for business and hopefully get my mba. i got that set straight. but i dont know if bond trading is for me. there seems to be nothing on the internet about the career. i stumbled upon this site so i figured why not. i'm more interested in the stock market, but i want a family and stocks are a little too risky. bond trading is safer from what i hear but is it really that secure of a career? do i have to worry about getting fired every day i go to work? do i have to worry about not making any money and losing my house?

btw, i dont know if this is a european site, but im american and plan on staying in the nyc area to work after the military. i dont know if that changes the facts on job security or anything because the american market is different from the euro markets i suppose
I think it doesn't matter what you trade, you can still lose the house or make a fortune.
Hi 39to203 - Its good to be ambitious but surely you're talking three careers here? I suspect the USMC will assist you with study time and costs etc. But you should know now that success from trading is at least 80% psychological (maybe more) and 20% (maybe less) technique. Continuing this line of thought, it would be surprising - no, amazing!! - if one person had the character, attitudes and mind-set to be successful at military policing (NOT the same as being in the military!), business administration (because the MBA is just the first step, not a goal in itself), and trading.

I have known good people in business (none with an MBA), people who are traders, and members of the British armed forces - and I can say hand on heart what made them good at which one they did was not an ability to do those other jobs as well.

Maybe you have a little time to take a step back and work out what's the thing you want most of all out of life.

Now I'm going to leave it at that before I start to sound too much like my own old Dad (maybe yours too?).

Tomorton's post was in my mind, too. I don't know your motivations but I am guessing, the more money, the better. That's not a great motivator to keep you going. The sort of mindset an MBA would have is that of determining to be captain of industry, to mould a business, to make a difference in their field. That they might take home £500k a year is a perk. Dunno if that makes sense to you.