Getting rid of spam


Well-known member

Can any of u kind 'Technical' people out there advise me of a way of getting rid of Spam email ?

i.e is there any free software out there that I can get hold of that somehow stops me receiving, or gets rid of 'spam email'

something like Ad-Aware but for spam email if u see what I mean

Thanks in advance

Just found something called 'Mailwasher' so will give this a try............if anyone out there knows of the best one or better than this .......still open for advice

I tried a range of free products but settled on SpamCatcher which costs $30. I get about 30 spams a day and it usually only lets through about 1. And because you can tell it who you want messages from it very rarely blocks messages you want.
Hey, I'll be catching up with you soon.

GirlsWhoSquirt1057 contacted me this mornnig 😱 . I'm sure it will just be a matter of time before her 1056 mates get in contact as well.

I can only say that I find Norton Anti Spam v effective and flexible - it learns as you go as well as having Norton's updated list to refer to - guess its a question of using what you are comfortable with and Norton comes through for me at a relatively low cost.
You do tend to get hooked into Norton products though but hey - why not if they're good?
I used the free version of Mailwasher for a few months and was so impressed, I upgraded to the Pro version. I have it set up to automatically delete and bounce any address or domain in my blacklist. I have disabled the spam filters. It checks 5 accounts for me every 2 minutes, is easy to use, and sends me a full report each week. Last week, it caught 169 spam e-mails.
I have no hesitation recommending the product.
Thx Folks


yes have downloaded 'mailwasher' only free version, but what a great little program...........just what I was after.

can highly reccomend this program, if u want to download it free go to :

Just a quicky inside info here..... a lot of spammers "make up " email addresses with christian names and then a surname, then append a domain name. So John.Smith @ etc will be prime targets. I got rid of all my spam by changing my emaill address to [email protected]. Works a treat- no more spam ( for last 6 months). An alternative is your own domain name. I have that too and also no spam mails. I was getting 50+ a day. I tried mailwasher, but didn't get on with it. Maybe I didn't try hard enough. 🙁
I've got the task of monitoring my daughter's Hotmail account while she's travelling and I started with Mailwasher about a week ago. I just leave it running and it alerts me when the new cr*p comes in. I'm finding it easy to use, and I know nothing :cheesy:
In the last month I've started getting cr*p in my "real" email account as well which for the couple of years I've used it, has been spam free, so I've added that as well.
I like the programme.
Having tried mailwasher 4 a few months I found it rather 'clunky'. After searching 4 a (free) replacement, I started using spampal. It takes a little configuring but moves all spam 2 a spam folder which can B deleted en masse. Also there R no ads. 2 contend with, which is 1 of the reasons I found mailwasher rather tiresome.

1 tip I would recommend is 2 identify which email addy(s) R getting the most spam & change it to something a little more obscure. My other tip is 2 set up some rules to auto delete mails with various words that R common. Not many of my friends want me 2 C their 'webcam' or try 2 sell me 'vicodin' as an example, although any offers of prozac R more than welcome. 😆

From 100+ per day I've got the count down 2 about 4. This Monday I had none!
Hi there Chart Man,
Your idea of your own domain name is a good one except when the spammers use your domain as a return address for their spam! 😢
I have this problem and initially it was actually covered up with spam filters provided by my ISP. When I removed them just to see what was coming through (I was testing another spam filter) I was amazed to see loads of returned mail notices from AOL and others apparently showing that I was sending spam.
The only way I can now deal with this is to look at the email headers, try and discover a valid originator (maybe they didn't know they are being used as a relay) and send them a note, or their ISP.
If anyone knows a better way of dealing with this particular problem I'd be happy to hear it!

I too am getting too many spam emails 😢 😢 which is getting into me now.. I have down loaded the Spam blocker they are still getting through under different name and emails 😈 😈 .. I have sent back the spams telling I would inform Police if they did send me more but They all come back to me as undelivered emails.. Is there any other way ? 😱 😱
I'm still using Mailwasher. It intercepts the mail before it hits your srever. I've got 3 accounts running into it. 2 of them Hotmail. I was getting about 30 a day on each Hotmail. I use the blacklist/bounce/delete options, and it's certainly reduced the amount coming in. If you reply they know you're a genuine address. The best thing is to ignore and delete. These spammers have programmes running all day sending out made up addresses.

Good luck
It is the case that you should never click on the unsubscribe link because they then know it is a live email account. Replying to the "from" address may take you to a ficticious name on a real company's email address and they may know nothing about it (my particular problem at the moment).
I read a short time ago that there is a spam email going round offering to take you off the spammers lists ( or something similar). This apparently is another means of the spammers finding live email accounts.
Incidentally, if anyone is after a pretty good (and free) popup blocker, try installing Google Toolbar. Absolutely brilliant imho.

I think the Google toolbar contains spyware and so what you gain on the popups they gain on their knowledge of where you've been anyway - theres no such thing as a free lunch
There are plenty of free pop-up blockers around but some programmes require you to allow them.