Facebook IPO


Hi there,

The Upcoming Facebook IPO is quite big, estimated at 100 billion. The interesting question is if it will follow GroupOn or it will last for decades until the whole population is hooked on social media.

There appear to be a lot of speculation involved either way. I compiled an analytical report from various sources but I would definitely like to hear the opinion of those that are thinking of going in.

Facebook's success relies entirely on the internet and just like television I think it's a passing fad.(n)
if it floats with a 100 billion market cap i don't think it is worth putting a penny into.
facebook results in 2009 was about 777 million revenue, profit 200 million, margin around 25.7%, around the same as google. i don't know what the 2010 figures are,google has a p/e of around 25. so for example say facebook double's profit ever year for the next couple of years, 400 million in 2010, 800 million in 2011. 25 x 800 million is still only 20 billion, so why would anyone buy shares that value it at 50 billion let alone 100 billion.