
the hare

Senior member
Its time for a rant.

I've reached the point where most of my trading is fully automated, and frankly, life's started to get a bit boring. To relieve the tedious boredom of watching squiggly lines bouncing up and down on a screen, I've started working on a couple of new business ideas. Consequentially, this has meant dealing with "business people", many of whom seam to be totally obsessed with "social media"

I can summarize this post as follows !

1) What's this social media thing all about then ?

2) Facebook. Really, what's the ****in point ?

3) To keep Steve and the t2w boys happy, are traders actually using social media, if so where, and what are they doing ?

Can anyone give me a clue ? Please !

So on with the rant. I'm usually dragged into projects for one of 3 reasons, a) I'm paying, b) I have a bit of a track record with start ups or c) as a technical consultant. So for the last 6 months Ive been talking bollox with various people, and in practically every meeting someone's wittering on about "social media"

It's been about 5 years since I've looked at Facebook, so I've spent the last few days looking at this steaming pile of dogs ****, trying to make sense of it all.

It seams to me that the whole concept is fundamentally flawed.

In the real world, you generally write for a target audience, but of course , what's appropriate for your mates in the pub isn't really appropriate for your 4 year old niece (or wife) so consequentially everyone ends up posting you tube videos of a cat chasing a fly or some other completely useless drivel !

I have one acquaintance on Facebook who is a trader, but I can't ever believe that Id use Facebook to discuss anything remotely trading related. 99% of my friends aren't remotely interested that there's hidden divergence on the 15 min EURJPY chart, so why would I post such nonsense ?

If I want LULZ then I go to the t2w zoo, if I want to discuss trading I go to a trading site, if I want to talk about software development I go to a software development site etc. In fact if I want entertainment, news, discussion, porn, or intelligent debate, the last place on the feckin planet that I'd find those things is Facebook !

I'm writing this post from a bar in Malta, recovering from last nights excesses. Over the course of a couple of hours I've engaged in conversation with real people, I got a couple of SMS, a phone call, a bunch of emails, and my mum skype'd me. I was able to successfully communicate and interact without Facebook's help or assistance. Exactly in what way could Facebook improve that experience ? What do they give me that isn't provided by email, Skype, telephone etc ?

Every single business person that I talk to about social media perceives it in exactly the same way, its a tool to be abused.

They all use it in exactly the same feckin thing, they offer someone a voucher or a freebie in exchange for a like on their Facebook page. The "like" gets broadcast to everyone's friends, some of whom in turn "like" the page, and the whole feckin insane nonsense cascades through Facebook's moronic user base.

I mean honestly, does anyone actually care that I like coca cola ? (Other than probably coca colas director of social media who spends his or her day worrying about this sh1t)

Facebook prattle on about providing users with an enhanced "social experience" what exactly does that mean ? A constant barrage of inane comments from half wits who should be ****ing well doing an honest days work for a honest days pay is hardly what I'd call an enhancement to my day. The estimates for lost productivity due to people spending time at work fannying about with Facebook are absolutely astronomical.

Being subjected to a constant barrage of inappropriately targeted advertisements for a ***** extension, Viagra or getting my septic tank emptied does not particularly do a great deal to improve my day.

What's "social" or life enhancing about this bloody nonsense ! Don't even get me started about ***** constantly trying to waste my time popping up on the Facebook chat application every time I log in.

My user experience isn't really enhanced by the constant stalker like activities from lunatic's from past lives who suddenly want to be my friend. And whilst discussing the subject of friends, how the **** can anyone have 1000 friends, the majority they've never met, or spoken too in real life.

This Facebook nonsense has become part of the fabric of people's lives. They get depressed when people don't like the crap they post, people have even topped themselves over this ****.

Facebook has been responsible for spawning a whole range of social problems, Internet bullying, stalking, grooming etc

Facebook has a few hundred million users that potentially could be juiced, but **** knows by who and for what. You can't really target ads, the demographics are pitiful, its an epic fail. Who the hell wants to advertise to people who spend all day sat on their fat arses posting pictures of lulz cats (other than sofa manufacturers perhaps)

Just what use is this pile of steaming dogs turd ? At a push I could actually see a use but its all a bit brave new world conspiracy theory type stuff)

So what exactly is the ****in point ?

I suppose if your Mark Zutterberg there's a point, at least he trousered a few billion bucks along the way. If your unlucky enough to be employed by Facebook, and its paying your mortgage maybe there's a point, but really, what possible feckin use is this sh1t ?

Surely with close to a billion users, someone should be able to defend them, so can someone point out what I'm missing, can anyone name me one thing that Facebook could potentially be used for that would benefit traders
Don't even get me started on their feckin API ! A master class in corporate stupidity
Its time for a rant.

I've reached the point where most of my trading is fully automated, and frankly, life's started to get a bit boring. To relieve the tedious boredom of watching squiggly lines bouncing up and down on a screen, I've started working on a couple of new business ideas. Consequentially, this has meant dealing with "business people", many of whom seam to be totally obsessed with "social media"

I can summarize this post as follows !

1) What's this social media thing all about then ?

2) Facebook. Really, what's the ****in point ?

3) To keep Steve and the t2w boys happy, are traders actually using social media, if so where, and what are they doing ?

Can anyone give me a clue ? Please !

So on with the rant. I'm usually dragged into projects for one of 3 reasons, a) I'm paying, b) I have a bit of a track record with start ups or c) as a technical consultant. So for the last 6 months Ive been talking bollox with various people, and in practically every meeting someone's wittering on about "social media"

It's been about 5 years since I've looked at Facebook, so I've spent the last few days looking at this steaming pile of dogs ****, trying to make sense of it all.

It seams to me that the whole concept is fundamentally flawed.

In the real world, you generally write for a target audience, but of course , what's appropriate for your mates in the pub isn't really appropriate for your 4 year old niece (or wife) so consequentially everyone ends up posting you tube videos of a cat chasing a fly or some other completely useless drivel !

I have one acquaintance on Facebook who is a trader, but I can't ever believe that Id use Facebook to discuss anything remotely trading related. 99% of my friends aren't remotely interested that there's hidden divergence on the 15 min EURJPY chart, so why would I post such nonsense ?

If I want LULZ then I go to the t2w zoo, if I want to discuss trading I go to a trading site, if I want to talk about software development I go to a software development site etc. In fact if I want entertainment, news, discussion, porn, or intelligent debate, the last place on the feckin planet that I'd find those things is Facebook !

I'm writing this post from a bar in Malta, recovering from last nights excesses. Over the course of a couple of hours I've engaged in conversation with real people, I got a couple of SMS, a phone call, a bunch of emails, and my mum skype'd me. I was able to successfully communicate and interact without Facebook's help or assistance. Exactly in what way could Facebook improve that experience ? What do they give me that isn't provided by email, Skype, telephone etc ?

Every single business person that I talk to about social media perceives it in exactly the same way, its a tool to be abused.

They all use it in exactly the same feckin thing, they offer someone a voucher or a freebie in exchange for a like on their Facebook page. The "like" gets broadcast to everyone's friends, some of whom in turn "like" the page, and the whole feckin insane nonsense cascades through Facebook's moronic user base.

I mean honestly, does anyone actually care that I like coca cola ? (Other than probably coca colas director of social media who spends his or her day worrying about this sh1t)

Facebook prattle on about providing users with an enhanced "social experience" what exactly does that mean ? A constant barrage of inane comments from half wits who should be ****ing well doing an honest days work for a honest days pay is hardly what I'd call an enhancement to my day. The estimates for lost productivity due to people spending time at work fannying about with Facebook are absolutely astronomical.

Being subjected to a constant barrage of inappropriately targeted advertisements for a ***** extension, Viagra or getting my septic tank emptied does not particularly do a great deal to improve my day.

What's "social" or life enhancing about this bloody nonsense ! Don't even get me started about ***** constantly trying to waste my time popping up on the Facebook chat application every time I log in.

My user experience isn't really enhanced by the constant stalker like activities from lunatic's from past lives who suddenly want to be my friend. And whilst discussing the subject of friends, how the **** can anyone have 1000 friends, the majority they've never met, or spoken too in real life.

This Facebook nonsense has become part of the fabric of people's lives. They get depressed when people don't like the crap they post, people have even topped themselves over this ****.

Facebook has been responsible for spawning a whole range of social problems, Internet bullying, stalking, grooming etc

Facebook has a few hundred million users that potentially could be juiced, but **** knows by who and for what. You can't really target ads, the demographics are pitiful, its an epic fail. Who the hell wants to advertise to people who spend all day sat on their fat arses posting pictures of lulz cats (other than sofa manufacturers perhaps)

Just what use is this pile of steaming dogs turd ? At a push I could actually see a use but its all a bit brave new world conspiracy theory type stuff)

So what exactly is the ****in point ?

I suppose if your Mark Zutterberg there's a point, at least he trousered a few billion bucks along the way. If your unlucky enough to be employed by Facebook, and its paying your mortgage maybe there's a point, but really, what possible feckin use is this sh1t ?

Surely with close to a billion users, someone should be able to defend them, so can someone point out what I'm missing, can anyone name me one thing that Facebook could potentially be used for that would benefit traders

Post of the year ! :clap::clap::clap:
Its time for a rant.

I've reached the point where most of my trading is fully automated, and frankly, life's started to get a bit boring. To relieve the tedious boredom of watching squiggly lines bouncing up and down on a screen, I've started working on a couple of new business ideas. Consequentially, this has meant dealing with "business people", many of whom seam to be totally obsessed with "social media"

I can summarize this post as follows !

1) What's this social media thing all about then ?

2) Facebook. Really, what's the ****in point ?

3) To keep Steve and the t2w boys happy, are traders actually using social media, if so where, and what are they doing ?

Can anyone give me a clue ? Please !

So on with the rant. I'm usually dragged into projects for one of 3 reasons, a) I'm paying, b) I have a bit of a track record with start ups or c) as a technical consultant. So for the last 6 months Ive been talking bollox with various people, and in practically every meeting someone's wittering on about "social media"

It's been about 5 years since I've looked at Facebook, so I've spent the last few days looking at this steaming pile of dogs ****, trying to make sense of it all.

It seams to me that the whole concept is fundamentally flawed.

In the real world, you generally write for a target audience, but of course , what's appropriate for your mates in the pub isn't really appropriate for your 4 year old niece (or wife) so consequentially everyone ends up posting you tube videos of a cat chasing a fly or some other completely useless drivel !

I have one acquaintance on Facebook who is a trader, but I can't ever believe that Id use Facebook to discuss anything remotely trading related. 99% of my friends aren't remotely interested that there's hidden divergence on the 15 min EURJPY chart, so why would I post such nonsense ?

If I want LULZ then I go to the t2w zoo, if I want to discuss trading I go to a trading site, if I want to talk about software development I go to a software development site etc. In fact if I want entertainment, news, discussion, porn, or intelligent debate, the last place on the feckin planet that I'd find those things is Facebook !

I'm writing this post from a bar in Malta, recovering from last nights excesses. Over the course of a couple of hours I've engaged in conversation with real people, I got a couple of SMS, a phone call, a bunch of emails, and my mum skype'd me. I was able to successfully communicate and interact without Facebook's help or assistance. Exactly in what way could Facebook improve that experience ? What do they give me that isn't provided by email, Skype, telephone etc ?

Every single business person that I talk to about social media perceives it in exactly the same way, its a tool to be abused.

They all use it in exactly the same feckin thing, they offer someone a voucher or a freebie in exchange for a like on their Facebook page. The "like" gets broadcast to everyone's friends, some of whom in turn "like" the page, and the whole feckin insane nonsense cascades through Facebook's moronic user base.

I mean honestly, does anyone actually care that I like coca cola ? (Other than probably coca colas director of social media who spends his or her day worrying about this sh1t)

Facebook prattle on about providing users with an enhanced "social experience" what exactly does that mean ? A constant barrage of inane comments from half wits who should be ****ing well doing an honest days work for a honest days pay is hardly what I'd call an enhancement to my day. The estimates for lost productivity due to people spending time at work fannying about with Facebook are absolutely astronomical.

Being subjected to a constant barrage of inappropriately targeted advertisements for a ***** extension, Viagra or getting my septic tank emptied does not particularly do a great deal to improve my day.

What's "social" or life enhancing about this bloody nonsense ! Don't even get me started about ***** constantly trying to waste my time popping up on the Facebook chat application every time I log in.

My user experience isn't really enhanced by the constant stalker like activities from lunatic's from past lives who suddenly want to be my friend. And whilst discussing the subject of friends, how the **** can anyone have 1000 friends, the majority they've never met, or spoken too in real life.

This Facebook nonsense has become part of the fabric of people's lives. They get depressed when people don't like the crap they post, people have even topped themselves over this ****.

Facebook has been responsible for spawning a whole range of social problems, Internet bullying, stalking, grooming etc

Facebook has a few hundred million users that potentially could be juiced, but **** knows by who and for what. You can't really target ads, the demographics are pitiful, its an epic fail. Who the hell wants to advertise to people who spend all day sat on their fat arses posting pictures of lulz cats (other than sofa manufacturers perhaps)

Just what use is this pile of steaming dogs turd ? At a push I could actually see a use but its all a bit brave new world conspiracy theory type stuff)

So what exactly is the ****in point ?

I suppose if your Mark Zutterberg there's a point, at least he trousered a few billion bucks along the way. If your unlucky enough to be employed by Facebook, and its paying your mortgage maybe there's a point, but really, what possible feckin use is this sh1t ?

Surely with close to a billion users, someone should be able to defend them, so can someone point out what I'm missing, can anyone name me one thing that Facebook could potentially be used for that would benefit traders

forget social media. Have you considered Dentistry? I hear there is a lot of money in cosmetic work.
It seems to keep mindless morons happy. Well that covers 90% of the human race.
Pretty harmless really. One can slag off one's least fav politician or something. Beats yelling at the telly as in the ole days.

Its time for a rant.

I've reached the point where most of my trading is fully automated, and frankly, life's started to get a bit boring. To relieve the tedious boredom of watching squiggly lines bouncing up and down on a screen, I've started working on a couple of new business ideas. Consequentially, this has meant dealing with "business people", many of whom seam to be totally obsessed with "social media"

I can summarize this post as follows !

1) What's this social media thing all about then ?

2) Facebook. Really, what's the ****in point ?

3) To keep Steve and the t2w boys happy, are traders actually using social media, if so where, and what are they doing ?

Can anyone give me a clue ? Please !

So on with the rant. I'm usually dragged into projects for one of 3 reasons, a) I'm paying, b) I have a bit of a track record with start ups or c) as a technical consultant. So for the last 6 months Ive been talking bollox with various people, and in practically every meeting someone's wittering on about "social media"

It's been about 5 years since I've looked at Facebook, so I've spent the last few days looking at this steaming pile of dogs ****, trying to make sense of it all.

It seams to me that the whole concept is fundamentally flawed.

In the real world, you generally write for a target audience, but of course , what's appropriate for your mates in the pub isn't really appropriate for your 4 year old niece (or wife) so consequentially everyone ends up posting you tube videos of a cat chasing a fly or some other completely useless drivel !

I have one acquaintance on Facebook who is a trader, but I can't ever believe that Id use Facebook to discuss anything remotely trading related. 99% of my friends aren't remotely interested that there's hidden divergence on the 15 min EURJPY chart, so why would I post such nonsense ?

If I want LULZ then I go to the t2w zoo, if I want to discuss trading I go to a trading site, if I want to talk about software development I go to a software development site etc. In fact if I want entertainment, news, discussion, porn, or intelligent debate, the last place on the feckin planet that I'd find those things is Facebook !

I'm writing this post from a bar in Malta, recovering from last nights excesses. Over the course of a couple of hours I've engaged in conversation with real people, I got a couple of SMS, a phone call, a bunch of emails, and my mum skype'd me. I was able to successfully communicate and interact without Facebook's help or assistance. Exactly in what way could Facebook improve that experience ? What do they give me that isn't provided by email, Skype, telephone etc ?

Every single business person that I talk to about social media perceives it in exactly the same way, its a tool to be abused.

They all use it in exactly the same feckin thing, they offer someone a voucher or a freebie in exchange for a like on their Facebook page. The "like" gets broadcast to everyone's friends, some of whom in turn "like" the page, and the whole feckin insane nonsense cascades through Facebook's moronic user base.

I mean honestly, does anyone actually care that I like coca cola ? (Other than probably coca colas director of social media who spends his or her day worrying about this sh1t)

Facebook prattle on about providing users with an enhanced "social experience" what exactly does that mean ? A constant barrage of inane comments from half wits who should be ****ing well doing an honest days work for a honest days pay is hardly what I'd call an enhancement to my day. The estimates for lost productivity due to people spending time at work fannying about with Facebook are absolutely astronomical.

Being subjected to a constant barrage of inappropriately targeted advertisements for a ***** extension, Viagra or getting my septic tank emptied does not particularly do a great deal to improve my day.

What's "social" or life enhancing about this bloody nonsense ! Don't even get me started about ***** constantly trying to waste my time popping up on the Facebook chat application every time I log in.

My user experience isn't really enhanced by the constant stalker like activities from lunatic's from past lives who suddenly want to be my friend. And whilst discussing the subject of friends, how the **** can anyone have 1000 friends, the majority they've never met, or spoken too in real life.

This Facebook nonsense has become part of the fabric of people's lives. They get depressed when people don't like the crap they post, people have even topped themselves over this ****.

Facebook has been responsible for spawning a whole range of social problems, Internet bullying, stalking, grooming etc

Facebook has a few hundred million users that potentially could be juiced, but **** knows by who and for what. You can't really target ads, the demographics are pitiful, its an epic fail. Who the hell wants to advertise to people who spend all day sat on their fat arses posting pictures of lulz cats (other than sofa manufacturers perhaps)

Just what use is this pile of steaming dogs turd ? At a push I could actually see a use but its all a bit brave new world conspiracy theory type stuff)

So what exactly is the ****in point ?

I suppose if your Mark Zutterberg there's a point, at least he trousered a few billion bucks along the way. If your unlucky enough to be employed by Facebook, and its paying your mortgage maybe there's a point, but really, what possible feckin use is this sh1t ?

Surely with close to a billion users, someone should be able to defend them, so can someone point out what I'm missing, can anyone name me one thing that Facebook could potentially be used for that would benefit traders

Yes, 'people' use Facebook...I *can't stand* people!
Facebook is ideal for those who think that the trivialities of their life are of any possible interest to the rest of the world.

Your rant sums it up pretty concisely 😆
Pretty harmless really. One can slag off one's least fav politician or something.

Winding up politicians on twitter is always good sport ! Almost as good fun doing it face to face.

I'm not so sure it's quite so harmless.

There are social and economic consequences mentioned previously. The scale of this insanity is almost beyond my comprehension. The average teenager probably uses more disk storage uploading photos from their iPhone on a single drunken night out than we used to use on file servers for firms employing 500 staff 20 years ago. The economic and environmental impact of storing hundreds of millions of images and video uploaded each day must be staggering. Is it really necessary ?

HR departments are increasingly taking Facebook usage into account, and users are clearly in danger of information that they may not necessarily wish to divulge in public being released into the public domain.

Hardly a year goes by without some sort of security bollox up exposing users data, and they are just the ones we hear about.

It's telling that not one single person has defended Facebook. Social media rivals such as twitter are often cited as beneficial, and I can think of several examples where twitter has been genuinely useful.

There's something fundamentally wrong with any society that would **** tens of billions of dollars developing such a steaming heap of dog turd.

I note with interest that t2w for example invite me to "like" every page they display. I challenge anyone at t2w to explain why they do that, or to defend that policy

I suspect that they do it because a) its technically easy, b) everyone else does it and c) they think it might be beneficial at some point for something but they don't really know what at this point. I challenge any of the t2w crew to prove me wrong 😆
wholeheartedly agree with your post, the hare.

I dont like the idea of friends of friends potentially looking at your profile, or comments.
I mean, I have a different persona on techie forums than on here, and a different one for LinkedIn.
As you have stated before, we behave differently with friends than with work and business colleagues.
Also, my interests are varied.
I wouldnt want some of my "trading" buddies to necessarily mix with my "arty" buddies, nor either of those to mix with my "paranormal" buddies.

I wonder if FB is a sort of self-service stazi/kgb.

I also hate it when I get emails saying "Do you know PersonA, PersonB" etc.
I think FB is the brain-child of a friendless geek, at uni, who just wanted to belong!
Unfortunately, its the educated, uni-going types who have made FB so "in".
I also find it sinister that you can access peoples personal photos at parties, home, etc.
Thats just weird.
Why would anyone do such athing.

PS: My FB persona has no meaningful personal data, other than a photo of a supermarionation character!

But, yes, FB is utter drivel.
It will all wear thin over the years I expect in the present format.
Maybe in years to come there will be some sort of leadership ? Political probably. With huge numbers having a hate campaign - who knows, even Govts could fall, revolutions started ( Arab Spring ) etc.
The usual money grubbers will be picking up shedfulls of dosh I anticipate from concealed places.
I wonder if FB is a sort of self-service stazi/kgb.

I also find it sinister that you can access peoples personal photos at parties, home, etc. Thats just weird. Why would anyone do such a thing..

If you think about this stuff, you can't help but come to the conclusion that there are more sinister motives in play here.

The whole photo thing is clearly problematic. On one hand you have society getting uptight about parents taking photos of kids in schools, police confiscating cameras etc, whilst on the other hand people fall over themselves to share images on Facebook.

God only knows what sort of problems are going to be thrown up due to inevitable improvements in image search engines, and image recognition software.

I spent yesterday messing about with the Facebook API. As part of the process I was required to verify my identity by providing a mobile telephone number. I remember doing something similar around 5 years ago on an account that has long been deleted. You guessed it, Facebook still had my number, and I was required to register with another number.

Ironically I used a friends number, as for various reasons I'd run out of mobile numbers to use. That number was subsequently displayed on my Facebook page as the process by default shares this information with the whole feckin world. A good example of Facebook's agenda of taking every possible opportunity to divulge personal information about their users.
Every single business person that I talk to about social media perceives it in exactly the same way, its a tool to be abused.
Case of everyone following suit in case they miss out.

They all use it in exactly the same feckin thing, they offer someone a voucher or a freebie in exchange for a like on their Facebook page. The "like" gets broadcast to everyone's friends, some of whom in turn "like" the page, and the whole feckin insane nonsense cascades through Facebook's moronic user base.
I think a lot of people hope / hoped it could be used in a
similar way to google adwords and adsense.

And whilst discussing the subject of friends, how the **** can anyone have 1000 friends, the majority they've never met, or spoken too in real life.
😆 sums it up perfectly.

I suppose if your Mark Zutterberg there's a point, at least he trousered a few billion bucks along the way.
One clever f**ker cashing in on the fickle masses.

so can someone point out what I'm missing, can anyone name me one thing that Facebook could potentially be used for that would benefit traders
Other than snake oil, no idea 😆

You're not alone, I've never got it or used it 😆
Facebook, Inc. (FB) Interactive Chart Analysis - NASDAQ.com

Over rated POS.
Although Google are hardly helping themselves with youtube throttling
and recent semi destruction of google search filtering - aka safesearch 🙄
Just when they should be ready to capitalise on any weakness, they decide
to f**k things up...
A good example of Facebook's agenda of taking every possible opportunity to divulge personal information about their users.

You are always complaining about something. The simple solution is don't use whatever you are complaining about. If the business you are trying to get into is really any good, you can always tell whoever wanting to do business with you but insist on FB to sod off.

Alternatively stick to using the market like an ATM. Try more markets. It will keep you busy to no end.
It will all wear thin over the years I expect in the present format.
Maybe in years to come there will be some sort of leadership ? Political probably. With huge numbers having a hate campaign - who knows, even Govts could fall, revolutions started ( Arab Spring ) etc.
The usual money grubbers will be picking up shedfulls of dosh I anticipate from concealed places.

Various shady secret organisations must be licking their lips in anticipation as they try to organise the power of the mob.
Of course criminals will no doubt profit from so many disclosures as well as stalkers etc.
There was a recent news story as to how recruiters check on a candidates FB profiles for suitability.

And, of course, you cant say anything negative about the company you work for.
(sad for all those worker-drones, not like us T2W billionaires living it up on Proseco and chips)
You are always complaining about something. The simple solution is don't use whatever you are complaining about. If the business you are trying to get into is really any good, you can always tell whoever wanting to do business with you but insist on FB to sod off..

I have an appallingly bad track record with social media. I obviously "don't get it"

800 million or so others obviously do, and the guy responsible for Facebook has trousered a lot more than I have along the way.

I am struggling to see what is clear to most other people on the planet, but I can't see it. I was hoping maybe one out of the 800 million people who spend hours playing with this thing could explain its benefits to me. I really would like to understand how and why I could use it to make the world a better place 🙂