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[DARWIN] THA by finbou

I‘m absent minded when it comes to holding opinions outside of PII and SKN, I’m absent minded :cool: ;) demo starts the 1st only ! Don’t push me. One step at a time lol

I imagine the management of THA is professional, comes with preparation, catching very short-term bouts of ample movements & volatility ...and more importantly, the trader seems to be reliable at cutting losses without switching in hope mode, si I’m crossing fingers that it will stay this way with an okay maxDD even if the law of series were to become unfavourable during a longer period. It seems to me as a viable trading approach applied, more or less reasonable
It displays consistency, even improvement over time and a rather same strategy planification imho



(asymetry here)

The downside is the replication slippage due to the nature of the news trading
Looks like there is no trade made in January until now. Any reasons known?
It is an unfrequent trader often flat for weeks.
The lenght of this flat period is the same as the previous between November and December.

The real problem here is divergence.
AUM should be capped to 2M.
With 3 millions profit is halvened and also half performance fees for finbou.
Th only winner here is Darwinex with management fees calculated before divergence.
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Th only winner here is Darwinex with management fees calculated before divergence.
Only for a maximum of 2 weeks. And they don't get any investor fees while the Darwin is inactive and THA is blocking about 8% (??) of the AuM. As THA is not significantly profitable in the last 6 months they don't have to pay DarwinIA prizes. ;)
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More than 100 investors have left in 6 months.
Despite it AUM is still higher than 3 millions.
Divergence is always high, to be profitable it should manage less than 2 millions.

No profit for investors means no performance fees for finbou,
In this way only Darwinex is the winner with the management fee.
I can't undersrtand why an experienced trader like finbou insists on not limiting aum.
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I can't undersrtand why an experienced trader like finbou insists on not limiting aum.
He is advertising his Asset management company in Switzerland,so anybody unhappy with his Divergence last 2-3 years is encouraged to try his luck over there.
Added bonus ,for provider of THA, 20% performance fee all for him and not split with Darwinex :cool:. It is pure coincidence that he charges the same Management fee as Darwinex:1,2% per annum,for his pocket🥳.
Third bonus: he is charging Performance fees on monthly HWM,not like darwinex quarterly HMW-so he can spend long months in stagnation and still charge perf. fees every other month :oops:.
How many investors switched from one site to another is a big question.Maybe he can offer better/faster execution at the other site?
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Darwin THA at historically significant DD 11%.If investors don't mind Divergence problems this would be area to start looking for entry.


Edit: if @CavaliereVerde 's estimate of threshold to become well-functioning darwin again(2Mil.AuM) holds,then it needs to shed another 600-700k of investments.It has lost around 600k in less than a month.
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Darwin THA at historically significant DD 11%.If investors don't mind Divergence problems this would be area to start looking for entry.
IMO currently only for believers or for trading it with a high risk.
I don't know anything about their trading, but hyppothetically they could be significantly more profitable with an improved exit strategy if they are in a profitable trade.
I was investing THA for some months but to be honest I never liked the trader and his attitude.
I dont' like people that ignore my questions.
His answers were always few and pretty arrogant.
Than we can add that closed 2 darwins with few/no explainations. (GAF and STV)
It has been the perfect darwin for Darwinex: high past return, high rotation.
As THA was celebrated in the last weekly email of Darwinex, I checked the investor profit of it for last year:

The 1 year profit for an investor will be eaten up completely by management fee and performance fee.
Investors also had to suffeer a 13% DD during this period.

@CavaliereVerde That's why I added the -10% 1 year DD to my filter for the demo portfolio, I don't want to see this one in my portfolio, for sure not before it gets stable again. :)

The real divergence was much higher in the historic past as divergence was recalculated for Pivot.
Ok but divergence and Capacity are the problems not 13% DD.
Suppose THA had the same 3% gross return and 5% DD with a divergence of -0.5%, it would be the same losing investment.

For example in my main filter I have both Capacity and divergence,
Divergence is the reality but it is very volatile, often (not always) capacity is predictive of future bad divergence.
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