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Darwin providers and taxes


Active member
@Sterso7 Why don't you relocate into some normal Germanic country?Why you tolerate and finance with your taxes such insane government?
@Sterso7 Why don't you relocate into some normal Germanic country?Why you tolerate and finance with your taxes such insane government?

Germany is probably the best place to life at the Moment. Low crime rate, very good medical system, and overall the pro‘s of living here currently outway the con‘s. But it has crossed my mind. It‘s just once you get used to the german efficiency its hard to locate to another Country. Maybe USA but there you need ton of cash/Cashflow due to living Standard. Its Basically a third world country bar a few select regions.
Austria+Switzerland.Parts of France and Italy are Germanic also.Probably Netherlands also.
Germany is probably the best place to life at the Moment. Low crime rate, very good medical system, and overall the pro‘s of living here currently outway the con‘s. But it has crossed my mind. It‘s just once you get used to the german efficiency its hard to locate to another Country. Maybe USA but there you need ton of cash/Cashflow due to living Standard. Its Basically a third world country bar a few select regions.

Andorra >
Easy welcoming immigration laws, setup a company for 6k, get residency for 15k (given back when you leave). Takes 3 months
Income tax: 0% until 24k, 5% until 40k (0% if married), 10% above. But 0% is achievable through a holding company. No dividends or donation fees, no inheritance tax.
Zero crime, unemployment almost non-existent (worse now with Covid).
Administration tasks are kept to the minimum (4 years ago you wouldn’t even declare revenues, there was no accounting. Nowadays they trust what you declare without asking for backing documents)
Cost of living closer to Spain than France (minimum wage < 1000€)
Very laidback. Longest longevity in the world after Japan. Beat it !
Quite a bunch of traders and gurus operate from here
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Andorra >
Easy welcoming immigration laws, setup a company for 6k, get residency for 15k (given back when you leave). Takes 3 months
Income tax: 0% until 24k, 5% until 40k (0% if married), 10% above. But 0% is achievable through a holding company. No dividends or donation fees, no inheritance tax.
Zero crime, unemployment almost non-existent (worse now with Covid).
Administration tasks are kept to the minimum (4 years ago you wouldn’t even declare revenues, there was no accounting. Nowadays they trust what you declare without asking for backing documents)
Cost of living closer to Spain than France (minimum wage < 1000€)
Very laidback. Longest longevity in the world after Japan. Beat it !
Quite a bunch of traders and gurus operate from here

what about the Ladies? 😃
This is the weak point recently. Since 2 years, the housing market is more tense than before. Not a lot of availability, hard to find a nice flat at a reasonable price, unless you live outside of the capital but at perioherical villages (closer to the nature!)
Before I was negotiating -40% finger in the nose
Outside of agencies, www.buscocasa.ad
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