broadband disconnect fxcm


Hi there,

Anyone come across the following problem when using the DEMO version of FXCM trading platform for foreign exchange trading.
Whilst I am working on it, and doing trades there appears to be no problem.

However, if I leave the computer for say an hour or more whilst connected via broadband and do not touch any keys, I am disconnected. At the time I have possibly two chart windows open in addition to FXCM trading prices screen, which then loses all data and leaves you with just the grey screen.

I cannot then connect to broadband whilst I have these screens open. You have to reboot, and then connect in normal way, and reopen whichever FXCM charts you want all over again.

Have contacted BT who have done a check and can find nothing wrong with lines,connections etc. Funnily it only appears to do this with FXCM open, am wonering if it is a glitch with DEMO version only.Thanks........
NB When trying to connect broadband it comes up with "unable to connect,disconnected, error: port was disconnected by user"

It could just be that the demo not designed with usage you are giving it ie, by NOT using it - could be having timeouts etc. - after all if trading, they probably have made assumption that would not leave your/their system unattended for that amount of time.
Personally - I'd always be lookin at the s/w firstly...
What do fxcm have to say? must have a support email or?

Good luck
I seem to be having a similar problem, the demo just died earlier, its not getting updates and it won't connect now. I'll have to try it tommorow and see if it works.

It could I guess be some kind of limit system to re-prioritise data to paying users, which is fair enough.
Hi degashi,

I used to work for Telewest broadband and we had a lot of calls with people leaving programs running and then the internet connection freezing........

Is your modem connected via USB? cus this was the cause most the time?
fxcm demo

Thanks for replies.

I think that maybe there is a time out function, although having since spoken to them they deny this, and say that live and demo are treated the same.

Will soon find out, as I intend to try them out for trades soon.

Like dageshi, have had all sorts of probs, too many to go into, like if you use chat, then you lose charts.

Have since downloaded their plug-in chart, the name of which I have forgotten, begins with"M"!

They say that I lose the charts because they are java based, and java has to be reconnected every so often, and it also disconnects you!?? I asked if this would be the same when I was trading live and maybe in an open position, and they said yes, you would have to start the java charts every so often..... really confusing.
BTW Eagle Rock, what is a s/w? Thx
IB is Java based and nobody has posted problems there.
If it helps, I'm on ISDN and redial every 2 hours but I can leave it all day. Just reconnects.
Check your pc power settings

Check your problems don't come from your PC going into a low power mode which might shut off things like USB ports to an ADSL modem.

To do this right click on the desktop then go to properties - screen saver settings and select the power button and set to power scheme always on.

Then leave it like this and see what happens, if it does not work just set it back to how it was.
I think actually in my case it might have been my fault, my adsl modem is hooked up to a wireless switch which has bandwidth shaping enabled, a download might have swamped it. I've rectified that and I'll give it another go on monday and see what happens.
fxcm demo


Have reset settings to ones yu have suggested.

Will let you know next week if it has any effect.
I generally leave my comp on from around 6.30am to 22.00 every trading day. Normally no problems, this is dial up. Sometimes get disconnected from isp, but it auto connects, and most times platforms and charts are okay. Sometimes I have to reload one or the other.

The demo from fxcm if I remember froze on occasion and had to be reloaded, the real platform has never given me any probs.

Most of the probs are going to come from your own computer.
There is a known problem with K7 motherboards (for AMD athlon cpu) - the board cuts off the usb modem connection periodically and there is no fix so if you have one - as I do just watch it carefully