Audio Lectures Update


Legendary member
For those of you that want to participate in the audio Lecture coming soon,you will require a number of charts to refer to.These are currently being prepared and will be posted to this section in due course.They are all taken from AIQ EOD and for those of you that have access to AIQ, the list of charts and required indicators will also be posted.
You should print out these charts in ladscape format so that you can make easy reference to them during the lecture.

Although this lecture may be considered "basic"( resistance and suport),it is absolutely essential that you understand the finer points of how they work and there will be enough here to interest "seasoned traders" ( I hope)....
Tell you friends- we want this to be a HOOT!

A major landmark is approaching for T2W!
Hi Martin

Have you decided when the lecture will take place.


ps O/T to run 2 monitors off 1 machine can you tell me what extra kit I need.

thanks Martin
Extra Kit

I would, and no doubt a few others would be interested in your final selection of hardware to run 2 monitors from 1 comp.
Would it be possible for you to post them on the BB for us less technically minded folk to see how it may be done.

Best Regards,
For Win98SE users 2-4monitors is easy. Just buy more PCI graphics cards. The primary card HAS to be an AGP type.For W2K, you have to use all voodoo cards or a MAtrox twin head.
Chartman, we've got PCI Riva TNT2s working with Matrox AGP onboard cards at work for win-2k dual monitors.

But you have to be careful like Martin says becuase not all combinations of graphics cards will work. And you must have AGP/PCI combo - or the Matrox gfx cards with two monitor outputs.

What happen to last night's lecture? There was no password given out for Paltalk room and when I tried to logg onto Paltalk around 8pm last night the server was down.

Was there any lecture last night???


No Sukhi- there was no leture last night....It is tentatively in for next Wednesday, 21st, and will be confirmed over the weekend......