Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Phew - 111 sent me to an emergency out of hours clinic last night. Frightened me to death but turned out a lung infection and didn’t even test for the dreaded. Can hardly breathe, but loaded up with antibiotics now so shouldn’t pop my clogs just yet. Mind you, if you don’t see any posts............
Whilst perusing YT videos, I seem to be getting a lot of Sun Alliance Funeral Plan adverts, hosted by Carol Vorderman.
Do they know something I don't? 🤔

get well soon barjon. 😷
I'm gonna say something that's as rare as rockin' horse poo: I agree with At'!
There are early indications that numbers of peeps contracting the virus have peeked in Wuhan and, as of yesterday, in the Lombardy province in Italy that's at the epicentre of the outbreak over there. I suspect the virus is far more widespread than health officials realise (based on their woefully inadequate testing) and it's passing through society much faster than the 'experts' realise. Official stat's are like an especially laggy lagging indicator. My hunch is that by the end of this month government ministers and WHO representatives will be talking in terms of having it under control and everything gradually returning to normal. Consequently, I'm remortgaging the house and going all-in long the FTSE. See y'all on the beaches! ;-)

It's taken China almost 3 months to get to this stage, and that is with a Totalitarian lockdown, Italy have only just locked down, that will take them to June, UK is still waiting for a lockdown and we don't live under a totalitarian regime.
but turned out a lung infection ... loaded up with antibiotics now

If your illness is bacterial pneumonia, antibiotics work well to cure it. After recovery, you should get immunized.

As others have written, I hope you recover soon.
It's inevitable, we are about to go into lockdown, like Italy, no warning, no run-up, they will just announce it, job done, everybody freeze, no-one move.
We are working on our Pandemic BCP plans.
Everybody WFH easy peasy.
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It's inevitable, we are about to go into lockdown, like Italy, no warning, no run-up, they will just announce it, job done, everybody freeze, no-one move.
Stop treating the elderly in favour of those who might recover.
We know what Trump thinks about open borders in his own country, so we shouldn't be surprised by this announcement that all flights from Europe will be cancelled for a month.
Except the UK. Bit of a puzzle there.

The implications of this decision go way beyond huge.
Europe is totally fkt.
Who would have thought the end of the project would have been this swift.
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Is the media overreacting to Coronovirus?

Where do they find such uninformed numpties like this.
She is clueless!