
Junior member
Hello to you all,

I am new to T/A and after reading on this site that a lot of you use AIQ I thought I would give it a try. The problem is I can't see a contact number on their site and my email has gone unanswered. Can anybody help?

Hi Dodger and welcome.

Try Bob Debnam at Trendline 0208 367 8808

E Mail [email protected]

Bob is very good and will not push you into buying things you don't need. He also give a very good weekly tidying up service which I find invaluable.

The USA are very slow to respond to emails from the UK- I think they just refer them back to Bob in the UK.
Remember one thing- AIQ is driven by a password. If you corrupt it, the only way to get another one is from the USA, either direct through CHAT on MyTrack ( part of AIQ)or from Bob, who has to get it from the USA. Either way, before 12 noon, the USA is sleeping....
More help and advice is waiting once you are up and running with the demo- did you get it yet?

Your thoughts on passwords have given me something to think about. It seems that if we want to use the best systems i.e American, there is often a problem that we have to overcome, but a delay of several hours could make all the difference to making a profit or loss.

I have not tried the demo yet as I am testing a couple of other systems first.

Thanks for your help,

You may have seen mention of Omnitrader on the BB. Not all of it complimentary. If you are new to T/A as you say I would suggest you trial it and Metastock ( I think Bob is also an agent for Metastock)

Chartman is of course right about the password but it has only happened to me once in eighteen months and it was my fault completely.

AIQ requires substantial input from you to get the best out of it.

Metastock is great once you have a shortlist of shares

Omnitrader I am still testing, probably the easier of the three to create a short list from.

I use Updata for my real time prices, excllent charts, reasonable to poor prospecting tools, rubbish portfolio.

I use Fairshares for its excellent portfolio facilities.

AIQ, Metastock and Omnitrader use a compatible end of day data source Financial Express prestel. AIQ can be used with a real time feed.

As you can tell I do not put my trust in any one program or a "guaranteed" system. If anyone had such a thing they would use it not sell it!

Best you can hope for is a system that provides prospects for you to examine in detail or at the very least to exclude the poorest candidates. After that it is down to your own skill, judgement and luck.

Take your time choosing what is right for you and gather a wide range of views.
