NEW FEATURE >> Auto Links


Right I've got a great new feature which I call Auto Links. Basically what happpens is whenever you type a "keyword" into your post, it automatically converts it to a link to a relevant information source.

So for example if you were to say "What do you like about AIQ" - it would automatically recognise AIQ and make this a link to the AIQ site.

At the moment the only keyword I've created is for "fibonacci" so whenever you use this in your post it makes it a link to the explanation of Fibonacci on the Equis TA from A to Z reference site.

Hope you like this feature, I think it will be particulalry useful for newcomers who are unfamiliar with these terms.

My thoughts for what we can include as keywords, are all the TA software packages and indicators. Also it may be possible to link automatically an EPIC code to a chart of that stock. Either automatically or by creating a new vbcode - something like [epic]BT.A[/epic] otherwise it might start to link all sorts of short epics that happen also to be words like TO or IT - I wonder if these are epics or not, or whether epics avoid actual words.. hmm.


ps. If you got any great ideas, please share them with me - and I'll try and add it to the site.
Congratulations Once More

What a wonderful idea..........this will save members requesting where they can find out info, as you will have built in the link.

The mind boggles how you do it!!!!

Best wishes

He's what is known as a "FLASH GIT" in capitals, in the nicest possible way!

Even better still we'll have it link to a little trade2win pop up window that tells you what the term means.