2002 Website Makeover

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharky
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In the pursuit of keeping our position as the UK's No.1 Trading Community website, I've started work on a makeover for the website and I promise you, you're going to love it!

I would very much like to hear member's comments on our existing site and what you would like to see remain/change in the 2002 Makeover.
Making some good progress, we're dropping the yellow color in favour of red. And im trying to keep it clean and simple, but with a few little extras! I estimate launching the new site towards the end of this month. So the sooner you let me know what you'd like and would you don't - the more chance it has of being done to the new site!
Better watch red- it's not good for us colour blindies 🙁 Especially if there is blue/green black text inside the colour.
I have to agree with chartman regarding the red colour change. In my case, apart from my usual mental defficiency, along with 30% of the male population I too am red/green colour defficient which makes reading some texts on colour backgrounds 'interesting'. 😕
Not a problem. When I said Red, perhaps I overstated it.. just a red feel to the site, all text is going to be black on white, so oyu shouldn't have any probs. Garish is out, clean and simple is in! Keep those suggestions rolling in. I may invite some of the contributers to this thread to have a sneak peak, so if you really want to shape this site, speak now!

Cheers 🙂
I've been working round the clock on the new site and its shaping up rather nicely. At the moment my main focus is getting the best bits about this website and packing it in a really polished, clean, simple, fast and intuitive way. The launch is still around the end of January. But I'll keep you posted nearer to the time, and in the meantime keep you updated with whats going on behind the scenes.

Grand work Mr Sharky, keep it up m8.
What with Obi; (going under the boring monicker of Pat at the mo,) over in Canada, the few aussies that pop in from time to time as well as the yanks now and again, the site is truly becoming international. and the real time trading rooms work well, with people bouncing ideas and strategies off each other nicely.
The t2win site is already gaining some 'clout' by getting discounts through easy2trade and the like, and as soon as anything new is found out it is normally posted somewhere for everyone to take a gander at.
Some things get a mention in the trading rooms and then fall away unnoticed, so how about a front panel for the affiliates of trade 2 where we get favourable terms?

And how about a front panel section for the 'best' trading or software system currently being used and ranked 1,2,3 under a running results/voting displayed panel. (Still thinking through how this could best be worked.)

Options (John)
Thanks for your input John,

You're right about the international appeal T2W is beginning to have - looking at some of the stats we've had people visit the site from such far away places as Russia, El Salvador and Canada.

We're also able to negotiate our members some worthwhile savings. You're right about Easy2Trade, though this hasn't been publiscised outside of the chatrooms too much. But any reductions we can get will be publicised on the new site.

And the Trading System software you mention will have it's own section. We'll be comparing, reviewing and rating all the top packages, and all this is coming by the end of Jan!! In fact there will be a whole "Tools" section that discusses brokers and data feeds too.

But keep those suggestions coming in please!

Just a quick update... The new book section is nearly complete, and we've got magazine subscriptions too. Working on the knowledge bank at the moment, which will be an extension on the learning seciton of this site but with a lot more content. Still on for an end of january launch, but details will be posted nearer the time!


ps. Would anyone be interested in moderating either some of the boards, or prehaps some of the knowledge bank sections (for example if you had a particular interest in candlesticks, or point and figure charting, or level 2). I'm not sure what incentives we could offer, perhaps free or reduced price books. Email me at [email protected] if this is something you might be interested in, or if you'd like to volunteer as an advisor to the site.
Progress Report

The provisional launch day wil be Thursday February 7th, and there will be a launch party in the #trade2win-pub that evening - more details to follow.

The site layout, design and many of the sections are now complete. What I will be busy working on from now until launch day will be:
the brand new competition - details are in the competition board
the knowledge section - we will launch with just technical anlyasis (content still to be done) .. more sections to follow after launch day
the tool section - list of brokers, ta software and data feed (still to be done)
the weekly lecture is coming back and will be on EVERY Sunday afternoon - drop me an email if you'd like to volunteer to host a lecture.
