Recent content by Josip Causic

  1. Josip Causic

    Options Placing an OCO on Option Trades

    One of the questions that I often get asked is: “How do you enter a stop loss for a complex trade such as an Iron Condor?” This article is aimed at visually displaying the step by step process of entering the complex type of order that is known as Order Cancels Order or OCO using Thinkorswim. In...
  2. Josip Causic

    Options The Concept of Put Delta Value

    This article looks at the same put strike for a long put and also a short put. First, focus will be placed on the long put's Delta. Then the same put strike price that was used for the long will be analyzed from the perspective of the short put. Delta has multiple levels of meaning. One of the...
  3. Josip Causic

    Options What Moves that Premium?

    The aim of this article is to explain how the option premium of an ITM long call changes as the underlying moves on the price chart. There will be three points in time that we will examine. We will use DIA, the Dow Jones Industrial Average Exchange Traded Fund, for our example. At the first...
  4. Josip Causic

    Options Seven New Alpha Index Option Products

    There are new options out there called NASDAQ OMX Alpha Indexes Options. This article will explain some of the aspects of this "New Kid on the Block" for options. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell of any of these products. The information presented here is for educational purposes only...
  5. Josip Causic

    Technical Analysis Red is Green

    One of the most common areas of confusion for the new trader is chart reading. For example, I had a trader who had been trading for years, but he did not know the difference between the two types of candlestick charts. As we were going through the technical analysis material, it was clear that...
  6. Josip Causic

    Options Secrets of the Tape and Options Trades

    Often, tape reading is viewed as something that held value back in the 1990s, yet I would argue that there is still value in it today, especially when it comes to options. This article will walk the readers through the process of discovering a possible trade using tape reading and then follow...
  7. Josip Causic

    Options Bear Call Gone Bad

    In this article, I will go over three possible outcomes for a Bear Call spread at the expiry. Those scenarios involve the price of the underlying closing within the spread, above the sold call, and below the sold call. Last week's article, "Iron Condor Revisited", had addressed the issue of two...
  8. Josip Causic

    Options Psychology Option Trading & Psychology

    I have previously alluded to the importance of trading psychology by discussing two types of trading errors: Decision Making Error and Data Error. Some readers have indicated their desire to learn more about it. In this article, I will dive deeper into the topic of option trading and trading...
  9. Josip Causic

    Futures Options Debit Spreads Vs Credit Spreads

    In this article we will examine a specific case of a debit and a credit spread in order to point out that there is virtually very little difference between the two. Instead of attempting to explain the concept by using a fictitious example, the stock XYZ with the one strike price being at this...
  10. Josip Causic

    Options Huge Swings in Volatility

    In this article, I will address one of the questions that I have recently been asked. It is on the topic of huge swings in the implied volatility on an individual stock. In order to get to the bottom of the issue under discussion, I have utilized the CBOE's Option Calculator. Here is the...
  11. Josip Causic

    Options Powerful Lesson of a Painful Trade

    Part 1 At the end of one my classes at Irvine, an option trader stopped by for some small trading chit-chat. By the look in his eyes, I could tell that he had a large position that was eating away at his sleep as well as his finances. Without disclosing the trader's identity, I would like to...