My Live trades

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bring 2nd pos SL up t0 +20 on cable

5 ticks away from getting filled on gbpusd at 1.5820. Got a bit greedy on that one. I think i'll keep an eye on your trading. I can't follow you because you move orders too quickly for me, but i value your opinion on the direction of the market.
5 ticks away from getting filled on gbpusd at 1.5820. Got a bit greedy on that one. I think i'll keep an eye on your trading. I can't follow you because you move orders too quickly for me, but i value your opinion on the direction of the market.

direction of the market today and yesterday and the day before that etc etc on all three currencies is a no brainer, its been going up. Where you buy will simply affect how much you can grab of that on any one day while these conditions persist..
direction of the market today and yesterday and the day before that etc etc on all three currencies is a no brainer, its been going up. Where you buy will simply affect how much you can grab of that on any one day while these conditions persist..

That maybe the case today and yesterday, as i was looking for an entry to buy aswell. You might be good at getting the direction right, but bad at finding an entry. More than likely, i'll use your trading for direction.
That maybe the case today and yesterday, as i was looking for an entry to buy aswell. You might be good at getting the direction right, but bad at finding an entry. More than likely, i'll use your trading for direction.

My entries were not good yesterday I think others may testify that they are usually a lot better than that, but I was confident of the direction, the underlying support and in particular today, the US NFP figures, so you make assesments according to what you've got at the time. I did a trade earlier this year which wasn't dissimilar and all though it went against me by about the same amount, on that occassion too I was also confident of the underlying strengths and I ended up making +200 pips by believing in my assessments. I chased the stop all the way back up.. I don't make a habit of it. Mostly I will cut and look for a better price
My entries were not good yesterday I think others may testify that they are usually a lot better than that, but I was confident of the direction, the underlying support and in particular today, the US NFP figures, so you make assesments according to what you've got at the time. I did a trade earlier this year which wasn't dissimilar and all though it went against me by about the same amount, on that occassion too I was also confident of the underlying strengths and I ended up making +200 pips by believing in my assessments. I chased the stop all the way back up.. I don't make a habit of it. Mostly I will cut and look for a better price

Have you tried using swing points to chase your stop up?
I have posted this one several times, when I get a mo (and put down my guitar) I'll dig one of them out if I can
I have to go out now so will do the week and running total count up later

So that makes fiber - 20 today
aud/usd +10
cables 2 positons a total of +55

Total +45 pips
Going out now then a nice relaxing swim with glass of red - or maybe the whole bottle on a tray on the side this time!

Don't worry Flash, I'll do the count before I drink the wine..

Lightning - just a quiet word about some of the characters who have been frequenting this thread. My agenda here as I keep repeating to the point of boring everyone to death is to trade and talk about trading. Their agenda seems to be something completely different -never been quite sure what, but it sure has nothing at all to do with trading.

My judgement has been off a times this week and I can't help feeling that some of that at least is down to having to deal with these idiots all the unnecessary distraction.

That leaves me with 2 choices, either I should leave this forum and stop posting live trades - just like they got their result with 4xpip ( didn't agree with much of what he said about stops, but thats not the point) Thats no loss to me as this is only a copy of my twitter blog anyway. Or I could try just putting them on ignore. Then they can chat away to each other, knock themselves out doing all day what ever it is they do do. I have asked them to put up their own live trades thread, but they refused to put themselves out there point blank, so until they do, their credibilty must surely be zip..

Next week I will get back to concentrating on trading again ..
Yeh another one from your facebook folder on the desktop what was it again Oh yeh..


Bit long as a file name but serves to keep reminding one of one's self-congratulatory, self-aggrandisement and inherent greatness ..

And still so damn catchy ...
Ok, so today's +45 pips brings the running total since I started posting live trades on my Twitter blog on 17th June (and duplicated here also since 14th Sept) to: +2399 pips.

One last stat that Lord Flash asked for is the number of pips posted specifically on T2W since I started this thread on 14th Sept - and that is a total of +627 pips.

Basically, just held the fort this week, will definitely make sure I'm less distracted next week but still more or less on track for the average +700 pips per month.

I calculate that during a year I will have around 2-3 dozen "off days" and some 3 or 4 off weeks. One thing that is certain is that on each and every one off those days and weeks, and every typo I make, Beaky will turn up here looking stunning as usual ...
Great trades wirraltraders. I'm following your trades a few weeks now... I like the way you trade not really my style but I learn from it, thx....
only thing I don't understand that what is the real problem of Black Swan and the others.... guys, why don't you just post your trades like wirral and then you can critize him... I'm just a newbie so maybe my words worth nothing for you guys but I see that you just looking for the opportunity to say " you made a mistake wirral" like a typo.. boring.. talk about the trades and post your trades every day like him....
just an opinion...
Now then Walking Eagle, where do we begin?... Firstly my direction and suggestion for you to join Phil Newton and/or Dan Armitage should be taken up asap as it's patently obvious to any experienced trader that you are at best an intermediate level trader (like myself). In no way, shape, or form should you be offering mentorship or advice to'd be deluded and dangerous for you to offer up guidance to noobs given the mess you got yourself into this week. Hey, we all have bad weeks, but your confusing explanation as to why and how, and then how you extricated yourself from a situation you needlessly found yourself in, revealed so much and once again highlighted your total unsuitabilty to teach..

Given you're not short of a bob or two why not ask a few of the mods for names and numbers of the one or two first class mentors who they know, you never know they may be able to fit you in..?

Right then, let's have it eh..

I honestly think you've got more front than Harrods to be asking for money to train folk. Your only reason for posting this journal is that you want noobs to be so impressed they'll give you money, so stop it with the soft sell and pathetic attempts to get folk onside by claiming folk are "being nasty to me Sir" fookin hoo, man up ffs. If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined the firm, and what did you honestly expect, that everyone would think you're aces, form an orderly Q in order to give you a hundred quid a month so you can keep you and Lady Wirral in creme de menthe? If you'd bothered to do your research before joining T2W you'd have known it's a baptism of fire, there's tons of you whoppers in the FX world...just reflect on how you're now projecting yourself given you've aligned yourself so closely with them...

To blame others for your difficult week came as no surprise, as I've said up thread you've failed the essential mentor test, but I'll let you think on what that is.. To now ask the 'school prefect' for help, because you've had a bad week, is bizarre in the extreme.

No-one has bothered you in *your trading* from what I can see, or interfered in your sophist tautology, tbh I've hardly looked at this journal this week and when I did I noticed at best you get 5 views, generally 2-3, on ocassion none and yet you keep baiting me, bizarre..You've posted what, 180 times this week, (practically all on this thread), I've probably posted half a dozen/ten times on this thread this week, so how can you childishly blame me and or others for your failings, did we make you take/or stay in those trades?

And stop it with this "well post your trades up then.." If I decide to run a journal I'll do it at my own pace for my own reasons, not because a beaut like you throws down a infantile school playground challenge. I swing trade the major pairs and occasionally play the Euro off 5-15min TFs..suits me fine thanks, I don't need to try and fleece and seduce folk out of their hard earned..You're the one asking for money, therefore you're the one who has to pass the "credibility test", no-one else..

Not adding up;

Your excuse for your random 8 cable losses in a row didn't wash

Adjusting stops from 50 to 150 and just staying in those trades by 10-15 pips (luck as opposed to judgement)

Randomly choosing and flitting from pair to pair

1% per trade, 3% per trade, 3% total, 9% total

Waking up at 3am to close a trade

Skimming entries/exits in your favour

Refusing to take a loss or bank small or decent gains due to (incorrectly) believing you have an audience hanging on your every decision when in reality no one gives a fook

One day you're day trading, the next day/days a random mixture of swing/day trading

The constant wandering narrative containing your biases and beliefs on the market and why price does what it does ...

And finally just stop being so disingenuous, as I've said before your staying or going is all about time v money and has nothing to do with folk questioning your trades; have you created a good enough image of yourself, on this little corner of the interweb, in order to grab a few 'students' is what it's all about..nothing else.

So crack on, but if Leo, Flash, Scobe, Bandit, me.. anyone else wants to pass comment, or pick you up on your faults/examine your methodology, then deal with it. But tbh I reckon they've sussed you and will give your thread little interest from here on in, but you are after all still in incubator phase so you've still got a chance to convince..

But If you can't cope then just stfu and jog on eh son?
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