Grad Programs So What Did You Learn


Junior member
Ive Got Many Freinds In The Futures Prop Industry All Ex Locals On Liffe That Have Gone Straight To Screen Some Make Money Some Loose. Now All These Grad Programs What Is They Teach You Just Want To Get A Flavour I.e. Spreads Scalping Bund, Sitting On The Front Month Or Euribor Doing Many Spread To Take Half A Tick?
What Floats A Teachers Boat These Days???????? :?:
In my experience training is pretty basic, i was taught about the products i could trade, basic technical analysis and elements of how to manage risk reward. Then i was pretty much let loose to fend for myself, how i progressed from there was more down to making friends with the right people asking lots of questions and learning from people around me that were generous enough to share their knowledge. No prop shop that i know of has an "in-house" method that you are taught. There are a lot of loacals that trade the bond markets but you can trade whatever you like pretty much
i know this doesnt really add to the thread but........Why Do You Start Every Word With A Capital Letter?

I believe that many prop shops do offer a more proffesional approach to Grad training now but i doubt that any Liffe floor veterans would've taken them. There are a couple of ex liffe floor vets that are actually running an education program at a prop shop. For some reason tho i get the impression you know about that.