You must understand it is very difficult to answer your question because your return will depend on many variables, but the most improtant are:
1.- Do you have a real proved strategy?
2.- Do you feel real confident with it?
3.- Have you proven other trading methods?
4.- Have you faced, with your strategy many trading situations and have succed?
5.- Are you a disciplined person?
6.- How many time you spend trading a day?
7.- What kind of trading you do?
Many people will tell you about the last results they have had but all of us have a very personal profit story on which you will find sometimes we won and others we have lost.
One thing you must keep in mind, the higher the return sougth the higher the risk involved, you must be carefull but depending on your equity you will have the chance to look for higher profit (%), anyway if you can make from 20 - 50%/month you are on the rigth track, many make a lot more but they are more experienced or skilled, if you are not skilled you must seek for experience.