Your % return


Hey fellas.

Just with regards to some threads I have been reading lately. I am just being nosey really, but what do you return a month/week or whatever on average? Lets try and keep it cordial for the first page at least!

20% per month

This with a revised system I've been testing over last 3 months with a new setup and separate capital. Details:

£5K in a spreadbet account
FTSE shares
only 1 trade open at any time
£/pt roughly inversely proportional to share price
average trade length 1.5 days

It's early days and small funds so results only indicative. Appears to be plenty of scope to trade more frequently with commensurate increase in % profits, which I prefer over increasing stake size.
I know of someone who trades off credit card borrowings - which means his starting capital is effectively zero every month - so therefore his gains are infinity% per month and if he makes a loss then his losses are 0% because he had no capital to lose.
I know of someone who trades off credit card borrowings - which means his starting capital is effectively zero every month - so therefore his gains are infinity% per month and if he makes a loss then his losses are 0% because he had no capital to lose.

Been receiving mentoring from Spanish then? :LOL:
My problem is that I have scaled up and compounded so much over the years that I have accumulated so many billions no-one will take the other side of my trades so I can't trade any longer.
I feel distressed and disenfranchised as a result.
This is a serious question which has never been addressed on these boards.
No government department is available to help me.
No understanding of my predicament.
No sympathy.
My problem is that I have scaled up and compounded so much over the years that I have accumulated so many billions no-one will take the other side of my trades so I can't trade any longer.

It is interesting you write this.

The problem with clever systems that take advantage of a flaw is that once the company you trade with spot the flaw, they'll iron it out and unless you spot another flaw or are actually able to trade properly, your source of income is dead in the water. By "you" I don't mean you personally but someone who takes advantage of a flaw. In your case, you're stating you're so good that you have killed your own system. This means you need another method to make money.
You must understand it is very difficult to answer your question because your return will depend on many variables, but the most improtant are:
1.- Do you have a real proved strategy?
2.- Do you feel real confident with it?
3.- Have you proven other trading methods?
4.- Have you faced, with your strategy many trading situations and have succed?
5.- Are you a disciplined person?
6.- How many time you spend trading a day?
7.- What kind of trading you do?

Many people will tell you about the last results they have had but all of us have a very personal profit story on which you will find sometimes we won and others we have lost.
One thing you must keep in mind, the higher the return sougth the higher the risk involved, you must be carefull but depending on your equity you will have the chance to look for higher profit (%), anyway if you can make from 20 - 50%/month you are on the rigth track, many make a lot more but they are more experienced or skilled, if you are not skilled you must seek for experience.