as its come up in another thread if one should copy the best who would one realistically learn off on the boards [or elsewhere]? lets say fx and indexes for now.
would you pay for a mentor? or system?
is it even possible to tell who the best is?
I think all newcomers to trading surf forums to get a few pointers the least...........
The context of my reply falls under the following.
1. I trade forex only and GBP vs JPY mainly. So what ever I say is in the context of forex.
2. I trade based on technical charts only.
3. I dont do fundamentals.
4. Im a day trader and I dont hold a trade overnight.
5. These are from my experiences with the markets, gurus, systems, robots, live signals indicators, brokers etc etc. A different trader might disagree. But hey that is why the market exists. It cant if everyone looks at it in the same way!
I wouldnt go for a system regardless of what its called because since I am a newbie I wont be able to make profits even though its a system that works because I dont understand the principals or the basic of a market. It will be of no use to me. Most newbies kill live and demo accounts trading systems they came across some place because the system would have had a few lines of description. Usually it says green crosses yellow and blue, sell. Blue crosses green and yellow, Buy. And it will never work because all newbies think that there is a holy grail magic whatchawannacallit thingamaji out there that can do all the thinking for us and all we have to do is be there to click the button. It doesnt work that way. You must have knowledge first.
Mentors is something I would prefer. But then I dont think a mentor who you are going to pay an amount to is going to be of much help. At the end of the day, teaching someone to trade using technical cannot be arranged into a syllabus and gone through in a day, a week or even a month. It has to be an ongoing process until the new trader is sufficiently exposed to the market, trading and is able to see his own mistakes.
The key is to be persistent and continuously search and read and learn new things. Along the way you would make some friends online who are fellow traders. One of them will help you along by answering your questions and pointing things out and so on and so forth. This would be the person who would ultimately be your mentor. By this point you would be comfortable not only with trading but also trading in a specific way, which would become your system of doing things. You rarely would be able to start making money on the market from the word go. There might be some who have but I am not very optimistic that there are.
so there is my two cents worth
And Happy Pipping