go speak to a financial planner. This is the wrong place for this kind of advice
You have got to be kidding! A financial planner is the WORST advice possible. He will sell her shares, then tell her to buy all new shares (because they will be "better" shares).
Six months later he will then tell her to sell the new shares.
The financial planner will then tell her to put all the money into a Managed account (spread over shares and property and cash).
Then six months later he will recommend that she liquidate everything and put it into a Property trust (because she wants to have a property so lets use a property Trust instead of a Direct property purchase).
By this time all the commissions will have reduced her capital by 50% and the market drops will have reduced the balance by another 30 %.
The financial planner will then tell her that she does not have enough money to buy a house so she needs to increase her risk to get a better return so he will then put all her money into a futures and forex based Fund.
She will have lost everything within 2 years.
I have NEVER met a wealthy Financial Planner. The are commission based sales-people for insurance and Investment companies.
Their priorities are:
The biggest commission/kick-back for themselves.
A nice spread amongst his investment companies so that he gets invited to all their functions and freebies
Way, way down the list, the LAST and LOWEST priority is the customer