what happened to all pairs right(half hour ago) now USD CHF ??? ...and more..
Hi u-d,what happened to all pairs right(half hour ago) now USD CHF ??? ...and more..
Swiss National Bank = rapist = biggest cheater
Its an interesting point. A lot of people would be feeling some pain right now.
In your opinion why are they cheats?
They aren't cheats for example because you've had a shocking morning as far as your p+l is concerned. That would make it a bad day for you, it wouldn't necessarily mean they've cheated you.
we deigned a liquidity and trading simulator software to simulating the forex dark pool, and we know the price changing rule is pre determined by very top end Bank ,
supply and demand is cover up, price quoting engine is a very complex system. based on white noise generator plus manual operation
in this case by some one's finger at one of the other end SNB ???
i know at least 500 peoples accounts are finished. i trade currency with bank with 1:1 ,no margin. but for so many traders get margin call. SNB really hurt lot of people.
yes they did, and 500 people is no exaggeration. I am sure plenty more got finished off as well but also plenty of people will be dancing for joy at the moment because they've had a day like they've never had before. not because they're good but because this time they were more lucky than unlucky.
FX is risky, you know that. You were on the wrong side and probably got slipped hundreds and hundreds of pips but you also know deep down inside that the market reacted exactly how you would expect, they pulled all their bids and tried to smash any that remained.
take it like a man son and throw the telly at your simulator.
Swiss National Bank = rapist = biggest cheater
what a lucky trader.
Is it worth the stress and hasslesurvived on GBP USD where 1GBP=1.3 in 1992-3
survived on Australia CB Intervention
survived on fat finger day 2010.
survived on Japnese CB intervention.
survived on SNB today.
survived on SNB intervention 2011.
survived on 2008. 6000pips one side only market condition
what a game for forex trading. I am off the table now and heading to victory casino where fair games are guaranteed . good luck to all.