Weekly meeting and lecture


As promised to coincide with the launch of the new website and starting this week, we are launching a weekly meeting and lecture.

Every Wednesday night at 9:00pm there will be a meeting in the #trade2win chat room to talk about the website and trading rooms, and to give all our members an open forum in which to express their view. Then on a Sunday night at 9:00pm there we will have a guest speaker each week who will be talking about different trading topics. This will usually be in the #trade2win chat room, unless it's a voice lecture. But for all the details on the forthcoming lecture please refer to the Events section of the website.

If you'd like to volunteer to host the weekly lecture, please email me the topic you have in mind to [email protected]. We rely on the good will of our members, so if there is any particular interest or insights you may have which you think will be of value to other members then please do volunteer. Thanks!

The meeting on a Wednesday night is a great opportunity to help shape T2W to be the trading community you want. So if you have any questions, suggestions, problems or criticisms, then this is the time to let us know.
