Virotec listing on the AIM

  • Thread starter Thread starter Baz
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  • Watchers Watchers 3



I wish to draw your attention to a new company with excellent future prospects. Virotec International Ltd is Australia’s leading public company exploiting the new science of Environmental Geochemistry for cleaner air, land and water using patented technology. At this stage the AIM code is unknown.

VTI's history on the ASX ( Aust. Stock Exchange ) can be viewed on the link below. Just type in VTI in the ASX code box and select a time frame.

For those who wish to do their own homework on the process, details can be found at the links below.

Virotec is currently undertaking an expansion into Europe and USA, which is being financed partially by the AIM listing. With plenty of money in the bank , mining assets to the value of 19mil AU$ ( which it intends to sell ), and a burn rate of about 1.5 million AU$ per quarter all points to a +ve future.

On the ASX today VTI is currently up 10% to AU52c = .1887GBP.

Please do your own homework on this stock. Contracts are imminent. If VTI is to speculative for some, then I recommend it is placed in your watch portfolio.

Good Trading, Baz
Welcome aboard, Baz...and thanks for supplying the info on virotec..

Not much has been happening lately on the ASX re VTI, and the share price has unfortunately dropped.

But good news is not far away. VTI's is very soon to clean up in Baia Mare, Romania. The site of the massicve toxic spill, releasing contaminated water into the Somes, Tisza and finally the Danube rivers before reaching the Black Sea. The dam failure contaminated the drinking water of some 2.5 million people. It also resulted in a massive fish kill and severe negative environmental and socio economic impact

All news I have heard points to an early September start, and will include a tremendous amount of media coverage.

VTI is also currently under going trials with the USA EPA at Gilt Edge in Colorado. Thier competitors have dropped out, so I am hoping that USA EPA approval is a fore gone conclusion. Once this happens ( in about Nov/Dec, because of soil regeneration trials ) major contract are expected to flow in from America. They have recieved enquiries from over 200 companies so far.

Good Luck

vti might be about to romp home in the usa , they will know in 1 months time wether they have the i-99 project that has been plagued with problems . they also won the usepa gilt edge trials over 4 yrs for cleanest and most economical water

1 month to go

and in the same u.s state
iut looks like governor rendels bill may get passed for an extra $600 mill for cleaning it up

main board

1 month to go for vti :🙂)