VDM Gekko Gobal market Complaint


I need some advice as I know you guy are very clever and have a better understanding then i do.

I am new to spread betting but today at 1:30pm GMT I was trading the while trading the German 30 Daily rolling cash using Gekko Global markets I was short 9 pound a point there was a price spike due to the US GDP figures and an automatic stop loss pulled my position at a price of 5389. Firstly the price looks incorrect as there are no decimal number also looking at GGM charts (attachment 1 & 2) for the daily rolling cash and the September futures markets, the high intraday (approx price) at the time where 5384.5 for the cash 5385.17 for the futures.

I spoke to a broker and he advised me that this discrepancy was due to the computer error and the highs for the day was 5389.50 according to bloomerg as their price are based on the Dax futures, he sent me a chart (attachment 3). My argument is that their market is a mirror of the underlying dax futures markets and price quoted are not exactly the same, I have looked at the chart he sent me and there seem to be 2 peaks one the morning where the high is 5383 approx while your high according to your charts is 5381so there is a big discrepancy between their price and the bloomberg price so they could not tell me that the price are the same.

I then received this email below stating that this was cause by a tick slippage, I dont really understand what they are saying but it seem like their Offer price should have been 5386.93 but for some reason it went to 5389.

How should I handle this, am I correct in thinking I have been cheated, what should I do next,

thanks, in advance

Following your verbal complaint, I am writing to communicate to you our decision with regards to the 1.18 tick slippage.

On 31st July at 13:30 UK Time your autostop on the Germany 30 Daily Rolling Cash was filled at 5389.00, stake 9 GBP per point. The order price of the latter was 5387.82.

As explained, our charts show our bid price not our offer price, upon which your buy autostop was based on.
At the time your autostop was triggered, our chart shows a high bid of 5384.5 but when you apply the spread that will equate to 5386.5 for our offer price during normal market circumstances. However, having being trading over US GDP figures a wider spread was applied, resulting in 5389 being a valid level to be stopped out at.

If you are unsatisfied with this decision please refer the matter to us within 8 weeks.

Please refer to our complaint procedure on our website.
Many thanks


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Sorry, they're in the right and you're in the wrong assuming they're allowed to make wider spreads when they like.

Sometimes you can get slipped a hundred ticks...
so basically the Sb company can widen the spread as much as the feel like to hit your stop loss, how can this be fair or legal?
High of the day was 5389.50, which for the imaginary 'rolling cash' market gives a high of 5389 for the day according to the difference on your screenshot.

Their spread widens as the underlying market's spread widens; the dax is a thin market so you got taken out. If you don't like it, trade a market that actually has volume going through it, or don't mess about with GDP figs. Or, most of all, don't trade an imaginary market created by the bet shop.

BTW at £9 a tick you may as well trade DMA.

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true, but in this case 1 tick slippage over news is nothing to complain about

OP seems to think he shouldn't have been stopped 'cuz VDM's charts quote a lower high than the exchange.
I can pretty much guarantee that a 5 tick spread is less than any spread you would have had on the underlying.

If you're trading news figures without guaranteed stops, it'd be better not to use stops and manually exit the position.
so basically the Sb company can widen the spread as much as the feel like to hit your stop loss, how can this be fair or legal?

You'll see that VDM/Gekko has variable spreads on indices all the time, reflecting the underlying future, unlike most SB cos. Even in 'normal' market conditions this often results in a stop being triggered when it might not have been with another platform that has constant spreads (mostly).
Out of interest, did they fill at your stop, or was there slippage as well?
there was slippage, my stop was 5387 but it was filled at 5389, that means if the bid was 5384 and the offer was 5389 the spread was 5 when it is normally 2
its over 1 tick as it went to 89 so the spread was more like 5
Good that you provide such extensive information about your trade. I once had a slippage of 100 points on the Dow during a news release. I got by complaining the trade reversed, but I was lucky this time. What you are talking about, is nothing to be complaining about, see it as a very low cost lesson, in the risk of trading during important new releases. Also £9 pound on a volatile index like the DAX, seems quite a lot to put on the line for a newbie, this especially during an important announcement like the GDP, that could sharply move the market and resulting in a considerably gap.
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Seeing as their auto stop is generally 100s of ticks away for me, if you were this close to your stop you're trading way too heavily for your account size.

The futures high of the day was 89.5, equivalent to where you got filled - personally, if I were VDM I'd have filled you at 89 plus spread.

Sounds to me like you blew an account on a gambled trade.
There are two serious lessons to be learned here for you. Trading the Dax through a major news release requires a large SL. If you were trading the daily cash you were probably trading a short time frame in which case you shouldn't be in a trade over that kind of news release.
Secondly, read up on what has been said about VDM/Gekko on here, you may then want to reconsider your association with them. On this occasion though they haven't done anything untoward in SB trading terms.
Hope this helps.
I have been trading the S&P with them without having any problems. If they can reduce the spread on the Dow and Nasdaq I am all for it.