Hi i am doing heavy scalping using x_trader platform.
does anyone knows a broker that will autoliquidate my positions if a certaing daily loss is met.
i am asking this because i dont want to lose money in this volatile market if my connections fails as the market can move 30-100 ticks i matter of seconds which will take days to gain back -if the connection stays good.
it gets me half a minute to contact my broker- with speed dial.
anyway i contacted advantage futures from the us and velocity and they told me that x_trader only has pre-trade risk managemnt based on margin and thats it .
are there any big volume scalpers here.
btw contacted kytegroup to see if they havr anything to offer with this issue.
does anyone knows a broker that will autoliquidate my positions if a certaing daily loss is met.
i am asking this because i dont want to lose money in this volatile market if my connections fails as the market can move 30-100 ticks i matter of seconds which will take days to gain back -if the connection stays good.
it gets me half a minute to contact my broker- with speed dial.
anyway i contacted advantage futures from the us and velocity and they told me that x_trader only has pre-trade risk managemnt based on margin and thats it .
are there any big volume scalpers here.
btw contacted kytegroup to see if they havr anything to offer with this issue.