TS2000i IB MetaServer to trade Forex?


TS2000i, IB, TradeBolt, MetaServer setup to trade Forex?

Wish to trade Forex using TradeStion 2000i, Interactive Brokers, TradeBolt and MetaServer as the DDE, I would greatly appreciate anyones experience with this setup for autotrading pitfalls or advise.

Considering Refco as well as they can provide a live dummy account IB dont.

one question IB does not provide historical forex data so how does one start trading with no data unless of course subsriibe to another data feed but this seems to defeat the objective ie two different data feeds or am I missing something?

any advise thanks in advance

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IB is primarily a brokerage firm and only offers the ability to get realtime prices as a secondary service. Therefore if you wish to use IB as your realtime data provder then you will still need to subscribe to another source for historical data.

IB do offer a simulated trading environment where prices are delayed by 15 minutes and for your purposes it should be more than adequate because you should be able to use TS2000i with this to test your trading interface with no risk. Here is the link but you may need to download the Java runtime environment to use it.


Here is the java page if you need it:


Personally, I would never rely on any software to automatically place my trades for me as in my view there are too many things that can, (and do), go wrong such as ISP loss, PC Crashes etc. I know that JonnyT would probably disagree with me on that one as he has a fully automated system but even he has had problems in the past.

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