Trading systems


Hi all,
I would like to ask since i have been reading the article on 'trading software' in t2w whether any members here have had any experience using the ones mentioned:

AIQ TradingExpert Pro by AIQ Systems
DeepInsight by Landing Electronic Corp.
MTPredictor Real-time by MTPredictor Ltd
OmniTrader by Nirvana Systems
Updata Technical Analyst by Updata

and if so could they please share their experience as such. Further to this list are any member(s) using any other software signal generating platforms to which they are 'happy' with? And if so which ones!

Thanks in advance
Hi all,
I would like to ask since i have been reading the article on 'trading software' in t2w whether any members here have had any experience using the ones mentioned:

AIQ TradingExpert Pro by AIQ Systems
DeepInsight by Landing Electronic Corp.
MTPredictor Real-time by MTPredictor Ltd
OmniTrader by Nirvana Systems
Updata Technical Analyst by Updata

and if so could they please share their experience as such. Further to this list are any member(s) using any other software signal generating platforms to which they are 'happy' with? And if so which ones!

Thanks in advance

I have experience with MTPredictor and I think it's a fine system. I believe that there are many systems out there and it is up to you to find the approach to the markets that makes sense to you as an individual.

That is the central lesson from Jack Schwager's famous book 'Market Wizards'. Jack interviewed the best and brightest traders in the early 90's and one consistent message shone through. 'My success in trading is because I have found a system that makes sense to me emotionally and psychologically.'

MTPredictor has risk control built into it and that is a vital part of trading. Keeping your losses small and allowing your winners to pile up over time. Dr Van Tharp calls it 'Position sizing', others call it Money Management or Risk Management.

Many people make a living from providing education to traders. Courses can cost from hundreds to thousands. MTPredictor has three online training sessions every week for clients on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays and they are free. They run for an 1 hr at 3.30pm-4.30pm UK time, 9.30-10.30am EST. The sessions provide training and a running market commentary on futures, currencies, occasionally Gold & Silver. Not only that but the developer, Steve Griffiths, of the software is on hand to answer any questions you have. That's impressive.

Steve has a Youtube channel where you can see MTPredictor in action : MTPredictorSteve's Channel - YouTube

Good luck with your trading.
I have deep knowldge in BSFullNirvana from Amazing Analytical Annals Ltd.

ask me any questions as long as you bring your own vaseline