Trading courses


I am completely new to trading. Can anyone recomend a good UK trading course? Has any one heard of / been on the WINN training course? Look foreward to hearing - its great to have access to people in the know! Cheers, Rar-Rar:
I know futex have a TRANSPARENT policy. There are about 50 traders there who have completed the course. That speaks volumes. Plus, you can visit them and speak to all their traders and those who have completed the course and are now full time prop traders. It seems obvious to me that Futex Investment and Trading Academy has been highly successful in training people.
Rarrar the best and first place is to begin by reading, interesting yourself in the markets, the instruments, the products, the forums, newsletters, newpapers. You have to change your approach to daily life and dedicate a segment to the markets, how large this segment is will invariably determine your style as a trader and the strategy you adopt.

I can not recommend a course a such,I believe that the expensive semiars are just there to take your money and teach you information which you can easily assimiate and experience for yourself. If you do apply for the FUTEX academy you are going to be conditioned into a particular mindset which may not apply to you. Scalping requires a very different person from a trend trader. There is usually a large price tag!

My recommondations are thus:

Get yourself interested in the markets, read and learn. Find the instruments and products that interest and appeal to you, for example: commodities and futures, stocks and CFDs etc... After you have narrowed down and honned on to your ideal mix begin to develop a strategy and style. There are many documented base trading styles but a mix is what best suits us. The spectrum is vast and you need to pinpoint yourself along this in relation to your personal traits and goals. You can do this all whislt playing a demo account and when you are comfortable play for real.

If money is the objective I would rethink your whole approach. Money is nothing more than a by-produt of trading.
If you're going to pay for a course make sure it's one with a proper company rather than "JOnny Snakeoil salesman's MAKE £333 EVERYDAY TRADING FTSE" course
I am completely new to trading. Can anyone recomend a good UK trading course? Has any one heard of / been on the WINN training course? Look foreward to hearing - its great to have access to people in the know! Cheers, Rar-Rar:
I concur with London88. As a beginner you are probably champing at the bit, but I would advise you to hold back a bit with the training course idea.

There are many different instruments to trade and many different strategies. At this stage in your trading life it will be difficult to choose between them. A trading course will set you back probably a minimum of £200-300 per day and, often, a lot more. It is an expensive way to find out a style and strategy that is right for you. Even if another person recommends a course it might still not be right for you.

There are many links on this and other sites to free information about trading. There are also many free trials available for simulation software and brokerage accounts that give you an opportunity to try things out.

Once you have spent time in research you will be better placed to evaluate training courses by looking at their content descriptions to see if they cover what you require. However by then you may have realised that you no longer need a training course that covers the same ground as you have already researched.

I am not against training courses per se, because they can be useful, but you need to attend them with full knowledge of all the scam courses out there and with the ability to evaluate value for money i.e. whether you can derive any benefit that you could not have derived by other means

I am completely new to trading. Can anyone recomend a good UK trading course? Has any one heard of / been on the WINN training course? Look foreward to hearing - its great to have access to people in the know! Cheers, Rar-Rar:


Answer: There really is only one that has a good and proven track record. Futex have almost 100 traders, nearly all of them a product of Futex Investment and Trading Academy.

And before you say they are just a bunch of spreaders and dont make money, they only make money for futex, etc - I can tell you that is nonsense. They make great money for themselves trading outright positions in stocks, bonds, gold, currencies, oil, etc etc.

Dont believe me, fine, do what I did and go and see them
I am completely new to trading. Can anyone recomend a good UK trading course? Has any one heard of / been on the WINN training course? Look foreward to hearing - its great to have access to people in the know! Cheers, Rar-Rar:

Take a look at They say they work with people all over the world and their system works in any market with a chart. The course is taught by CD's and online trading.

Best of luck.
Keep Your Money For Trading!!

My suggestion would always be to keep your money for trading - you will need it - most of the courses sold are a waste of money, over priced and run by people who have never traded in their lives ( or likely to either) If they were so successful why do they need to run over prices hyped courses.

Please buy some good books as a starting point and research the internet for daily blogs and informational sites which provide an excellent resource for you to learn. Here are one are two that I recommend which provide free daily updates, a wealth of free advice, and even a site you can ask your trading questions, and you get a reply - the place to start is here which is a general site, and there are many others covering currency, oil, gold, etc - the last ones are updated daily and the currency sites even give a daily trade!