Trader Career Paths


I am currently in college and would like to pursue a career in trading. What are different respectable career paths that can be gone down? Until recently I thought that working at BB banks were some of the only jobs. I also know there are sketchy proprietary trading jobs that are not considered good at all. So what else can I do if I do not get a job at a BB? I know this is pretty vague but any help is appreciated. Examples of companies would be beneficial.
A job in "Trading" is a bit vague, which is legitimate since you are still at school.
Goldman Sachs, Renaissance Capital, the Central Bank of Morocco, Prudential, Gazprom, Tullett Prebon, Cargill, and FXCM all have "traders", so obviously you need to be a bit more precise as to what type of trading attracts you as within each of these companies and companies in the same segment/industry, you will find different types of traders who do a variety of different things from one another.
What interests me is the particular trading that goes on at like BB banks. I just wanted to know what other opportunities are their. I am very interested in the markets and want to know really what are all the different areas a trader can be in.