I have heard of Todd Mitchell- and knew someone who had attended the course- If he is offering a money back, then make sure there are no strings attached !! MB is very uncommon in this industry !
The guy who i knew did not really use the materials, so i am not sure what was taught........
Regarding RS of Houston - I have actually taken their course about 2 yrs ago- I must say that it was an eye opener for me at the time- their methods are MA based using certain patterns- The methods are discretionery- what does that mean ?
Well, that means u make up your mind about the trades- their methods are devised such that at times it is possible for u to be short and for me to be long !! Also discretion will require learning and quite a bit of experience.
Discretion will also mean that i might do very well using their methods and u may do really badly, due to our interpretations- They primarily concentrate on ES, but i know the methods are used for bonds and other mkts, since they are MA based ( have a look at the site)- Also, u get a manual and the methods have quite a bit of structure.............
I am using bits and pieces of their methods- HOWEVER, my performance is still less than satisfactory - why ? because of the psychological parts which are key to master- as u may already know !!
I think RS is quite expensive and if u decide to go for it, i would suggest that u budget for abother $1000 for a 6 month back up and live internt trading sessions- at least these guys will trade live and will not be ashamed, even if the day ends up a losing one..........
Do i recommond them ?? I never recommend anything to anyone in trading........... as i said at the end of the day, some people are going to find the course ( and other courses) magical and others are going to put them aside after a while !! problem is , u will not know that until u have tried it ( catch 22)-
If u decide to go for this course ( or any other) - U MUST accept the fact that u probably wll have to adapt it to what YOU are comfortable with.....since there is no holy grail.
Also, a word of warning about references ! As some one who has attended lots of courses, seminars, softwares etc......... the references are the people who are happy with the course/seminar - that would mean about 20/30 % of them- u will not hear from the ones that have tried the course, but put it aside............ so the references will ALWAYS be +ve............
Anyway, hope the above has helped.