Todd Mitchell ES Trading Course

Re: critical review of T Mitchell course

For all those interested - inside or outside Trade2Win, there's been a very lively discussion on the Todd Mitchell course over on Elite Trader (see Day Trading - Day Trader - Automated Trading - Day Trading Software - Go to Elite, type in "Todd Mitchell" in the search engine and look at the thread on Mitchell.

In any case, some of the criticisms are, in my opinion, quite valid.

For instance, I personally am having lots of issues with Mitchell's risk/reward ratio of 2.25 to 1. However you justify it, it seems flawed. I also question slippage - seems like his slippage works out better than mine.

Also, I agree with Elite thread that service was not that great. Maybe it's 'cause Mitchell builds himself up to having such superior customer service that he sets up for being more criticized? In any case, I found many e-mails not answered, calls not returned. Sorry Todd; overall, I'm not terribly impressed but would expect more for a thousand bucks.

Fellow traders e-mail me if you want more specifics.


I have to agree, after paying Todd Mitchel $2,500 three years ago, I was very dissatisfied with his methodology and his customer service. It's not so good. No question, he partnered up with Doc Severson due to the many problems he was incurring with his system.

J Rice
I didn't know about the testy part. I took advantage of a free offering of his several months back. He hasn't stopped deluging my email account with all sorts of offers since then. Thanks to you all, I will block his address.
i have took the course waste of 2500.00 pay the shipping and i well send you mine
I have heard of Todd Mitchell- and knew someone who had attended the course- If he is offering a money back, then make sure there are no strings attached !! MB is very uncommon in this industry !

The guy who i knew did not really use the materials, so i am not sure what was taught........

Regarding RS of Houston - I have actually taken their course about 2 yrs ago- I must say that it was an eye opener for me at the time- their methods are MA based using certain patterns- The methods are discretionery- what does that mean ?

Well, that means u make up your mind about the trades- their methods are devised such that at times it is possible for u to be short and for me to be long !! Also discretion will require learning and quite a bit of experience.

Discretion will also mean that i might do very well using their methods and u may do really badly, due to our interpretations- They primarily concentrate on ES, but i know the methods are used for bonds and other mkts, since they are MA based ( have a look at the site)- Also, u get a manual and the methods have quite a bit of structure.............

I am using bits and pieces of their methods- HOWEVER, my performance is still less than satisfactory - why ? because of the psychological parts which are key to master- as u may already know !!

I think RS is quite expensive and if u decide to go for it, i would suggest that u budget for abother $1000 for a 6 month back up and live internt trading sessions- at least these guys will trade live and will not be ashamed, even if the day ends up a losing one..........

Do i recommond them ?? I never recommend anything to anyone in trading........... as i said at the end of the day, some people are going to find the course ( and other courses) magical and others are going to put them aside after a while !! problem is , u will not know that until u have tried it ( catch 22)-

If u decide to go for this course ( or any other) - U MUST accept the fact that u probably wll have to adapt it to what YOU are comfortable with.....since there is no holy grail.

Also, a word of warning about references ! As some one who has attended lots of courses, seminars, softwares etc......... the references are the people who are happy with the course/seminar - that would mean about 20/30 % of them- u will not hear from the ones that have tried the course, but put it aside............ so the references will ALWAYS be +ve............

Anyway, hope the above has helped.


i have taken it a waste of 2500 pay the shipping and i will send you mine
Re: critical review of T Mitchell course

In any case, some of the criticisms are, in my opinion, quite valid.

For instance, I personally am having lots of issues with Mitchell's risk/reward ratio of 2.25 to 1. However you justify it, it seems flawed. I also question slippage - seems like his slippage works out better than mine.

Also, I agree with Elite thread that service was not that great. Maybe it's 'cause Mitchell builds himself up to having such superior customer service that he sets up for being more criticized? In any case, I found many e-mails not answered, calls not returned. Sorry Todd; overall, I'm not terribly impressed but would expect more for a thousand bucks.

Fellow traders e-mail me if you want more specifics.

The ratio is not flawed, it's just one number and that by itself does not determine anything.

Unfortunately, you may be right about the support. Particularly, that the price is rather steep. Many folks think that the more expensive something is the better it will be. Sadly, that's not always true and your criticism is warranted.

Also, where are his results? For this price you would expect some evidence that his course works, right? I did not find anything re-assuring about it last time I checked, but it was years ago.
Re: critical review of T Mitchell course

Also, I agree with Elite thread that service was not that great. Maybe it's 'cause Mitchell builds himself up to having such superior customer service that he sets up for being more criticized? In any case, I found many e-mails not answered, calls not returned. Sorry Todd; overall, I'm not terribly impressed but would expect more for a thousand bucks.


I totally agree with you about the support. You should expect more from someone who charges you that much.
I have discovered some pretty interesting blog with a rather critical (and humorous at the same time) take on this vendor's business.

Here it is: A trading genius is born | Trading Loonies

Other articles in this blog are worth checking out as well.

Funny you mentioned that because I meant to do so the last time around, but forgot. Sounds like they are getting more and more popular and deservedly too.

That's a very good blog and their take on the Big Mike Trading Forum (and Fat Tails, a sleazy German vendor) is particularly good. Here is the most recent of their articles about it:

A Big Mike’s Trading forum update | Trading Loonies
Hi guys, is there anybody here who knows about "Same Bar OVB Entry"? this is a pattern teached by todd mitchell, but how it works? which are the rules?
Todd Mitchel

Hi guys, is there anybody here who knows about "Same Bar OVB Entry"? this is a pattern teached by todd mitchell, but how it works? which are the rules?

Jordi, I am selling the complete Todd Mitchel trading course for only $800, Regularly $2500. Jay 801-633-3994
Thank you Breakoutstocks, but I don't want the complete course, I only want to know how "Same Bar OVB Entry" works. Can you explain me please?