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Some traders have mentioned that all they use in trading is Time,Price and volume.

Now I can see the price and the volume on the chart but what I'm not sure about is Time.

Does this mean the length of time in a trade or the timing of the entry and what relevance does it have in the trading disission?
The time.
For a day trader there are certain times during the trading day when you will have more success with a trade.
Most traders prefer the first 2 hours and the last 2 hours of a trading day as these are normally more active. Lunch times are generally not traded as much so can result in 'sideways chop' with little direction.
At the other end of the scale some months are better to trade in than others. July and August can be low volume months because of holidays etc.
The old stock market proverbs reflect this. 'Sell in May and go away' etc
when i have heard reference to time/price/volume trading it has been from day traders who rely alot on "market profile"...i am pretty damn new to this all but i am quite a big fan of market profile seems to give you a good picture of how the day is developing
Hi blash

It could be that people are talking about Time & Sales rather than just Time.

Some packages allow you to see each individual trade as it happens and they use that as a guide. For instance, if you wanted to go long, you'd want to see most trades occurring at the ask price and also an increase in trade activity.


Some people, actually predicting times of the day when their chances of a profitable trade are greatest. They usually use market geometry or cycle analysis.