And what I would like to know is: Is this skill or beginners luck? That's actually a serious question about my first experiences of trading on a paper account
I'm using Plus500 in demo mode to trade CFDs and I find it pretty simple to understand and use. Here is an explanation of my trades so far, and my reasoning as I understand it
I started out by looking for companies on the US stock market who were big movers on the day, and selected a couple whose share wobbled around around quite a bit (say a dollar or so a day) but also were showing a steady longer term trend
The two I selected were Ctrip (Chinese tour operator) and Pandora (jewelery)
My first attempt went bad as I selected Ctrip which was showing a intraday downward move (as well as a downwards trend over several weeks) and as soon as I placed my short position of 300 shares (about £500 worth before leverage) it moved against me. I watched what was happening and eventually closed out with £151 loss once i figured the market was not gonna move in my favour.
I had a think about what had gone wrong, and the next day after looking at the chart over a period of days rather than minutes I realised I had made the mistake of placing a short position at a price which was at the support level of intraday swings.
Profits/Loss are after commision charges
Opened Long $55.49 08/04 @ 19.54
Closed $54.66 09/04 @ 14.35
Loss = £151.56
OK so one lesson I learnt straight away - look at what is happening 'now' in terms of what has been happening over a longer time frame - and know where the support and resistance levels are likely to be! DOH!
OK so armed with that lesson in mind I tried again.
My next attempt was a short position of 300 shares on Pandora (about £220 worth before leverage). This time looking for an intraday downward move (again in the direction of the longer term trend) and taking note of where support levels appeared to be
Opened Short $26.58 10/04 @ 19:10
Closed $26.25 10/04 @ 19:48
Profit = £58.95
My following trades over the next few days: all are for 300 share positions
Open Short $53.99 10/04 @18:40
Closed $53.45 11/04 @18:28
Profit £96.76
Pandora (I left this one open over the weekend and the market opened considerably against me by approx £180, but fell steadily so I waited all a day and eventually closed with a small profit)
Open Short $25:08 11/04 @19:46
Close $25:00 14/04 $25:00 @20:34
Profit £14.34
Ctrip (did this one while waiting for the above Pandora position to move in my favour)
Open Short $54.71 14/04 @ 17:49
Closed $54.36 14/04 @18.47
Profit £62.77
Pandora - This one was closed on a Profit Call as I had to go out take the missus to the gym
Open Short $25.21 15/04 @ 17:31
Closed $24.92 15/04 @ 17:48
Profit £52.00
Thought I was getting this all figured out now but the next one went bad. Having returned from taking the missus to the gym, I saw my profit call had been made, noticed the downward trend was still advancing and simply jumped in for another bite. The market trended strongly against me.
Lessons from this one -
1. The lesson I should have learnt from the first trade!!! (again) - I should have looked at the longer term picture as well as what is happening 'now'. I had entered short pretty much on the support line (lowest price for several month). When will I learn this lesson!!
2. I Should have got out of the trade much sooner. I was thinking the price would fall again late in the day as traders were oing to be 'profit taking'. Which leads to...
3. Trade what you see not what you think (I read that one here, now I believe it!)
The only thing I did have the sense to do was eventually realise this was a not a 'blip' but a bullish trend likely to extend into the following day and so got out before markets closed, licking my wounds. That at least I was correct about, prices opend up next day and have risen further since!
OK here is the trade:
Open Short $24.58 15/04 18:03
Closed $26.26 15/04 20:35
Loss : £301.35
Now around the time of the last few trades I was watching the news and on Monday (14th) I thought to myself hmmmm with all this trouble kicking off in Ukraine and seemingly getting more fractious by the day, I wouldn't be suprised if the price of Natural Gas went up. What with Russia being a major supplier to Europe, and the pipelines running through Ukraine. I thought probably something wouldn't have to 'happen' just the possibility of it happening - or media hysteria - could cause a rise.
So I went in long for about £650 worth of natural gas (35000 contracts which is about £96000 after leverage)
I also came to another thought as well. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have reasoned that a 'black swan' type of event, if one occurs is likely if anything to cause a big jump upwards in commodities like wheat, gas, oil etc and a big jump down in shares (apart from maybe defence companies and that sort of thing)
At least I figure that more times than not, that would be the effect. I have honestly not looked at historic data to see if this is true it just feels logical
Anyway, I made mistake number 1 again Aarghh!!! Look at the current price compared to recent prices before placing a position. So I went long on an upward 'wobble' when the price was near the resistance level
10 mins later I was £240 up. Another few mins I was £480 up. Did I take it? No. Here I am thinking I am right - trouble in Ukraine on the news tihis morning means gas prices will go up
Anyway i went shopping, got back and I am about £1300 down
I watched the prices all day and they did not really rally.
The next day I was about £900 down in the morning and while out at work I noticed prices were rising strongly. For a couple of hours I could have taken a profit between £400 and £800 but I didn't have the Plus500 app on my smartphone! Dispite a good friend who is also learning to trade telling me to do so. Infact we are having a bit of a competition between us to see who can make the most (or more likely lose the least) Gues what - I've installed the App on my phone now!
So by the time i get back to the office I am about £100 down and didn't close
10 mins later I am £1500 down
Next morning (yesterday) it's about this same. This time once again the price rallies in the middle of the day but only gets to about £170 loss on my original position so I didn't close
So over lunch my friend and I dicsuss this and by now I have figured roughly where the support and resistance levels are. He says 'hey Rich, why don't you open another position when the price is low and use it to 'average down' the original position. Hmmm I thought, seems like a good idea.
I also discuss with him that once i get out of this averaged down position I am gonna place some more trades when the gas price is near it's support level and get out when it has a little price rally.
So I set an alert at a low price which is on the support level. Before the price gets that low I see it looks pretty promising so place another long position. My friend does the same (for about 10000 contracts opposed to my 35000)
10 mins later he is out with £60. I refuse to take a profit, though the price rose to about £390 profit before falling back again.
Later the same day he goes long again, grabs a £45 profit and again I refuse to take my possible £212 before the price falls back again.
So now I have to start questioning my own psychology. I have missed out on about £600 of profits because I am waiting to average down my original position.
So last night I open a third position of 35000 contracts as the market has fell lower still. It is showing a definite downward drift.
Now this third positions i started to use to grab small profits from interim upward shifts, even though i am in a bear market (price has gradually drifted dwon by about a percent or so since Monday)
So I am trading against the market becaue I have a conviction that the situation in Ukraine is likely to push natural gas prices up
Therefore I did the foloowing trades. (I've started to use Profit calls now based just below the peaks of previous 'blips') because i realise I have a possible greed issue that I need to deal with
And I start making money from Natural Gas at last
And I am only going long, (against the market trand) because of my Ukraine conviciton
Open Long $4.533 16/04 19:02
Close $4.550 17/04 05:38 (profit call)
Profit £339.35
and simultaneously on another contract
Open Long $4.542 16/04 18:46
Close $4.560 17/04 08.40 (profit call)
Profit £360.00
Open Long $4.544 17/04 11:27
Close $4.546 17/04 11:47 (user closed)
Profit £41.62 (was double that when i hit 'close' but price slipped on me slightly)
This is the one I originally intended to average down the first one but it had been steadily moving away from me as the market dropped so closed it on a small profit when I had chance and opened a new one to average down the first one even stronger as the bottom of the dips was now lower by about £500 on a similar sized contract.
Open Long $4.550 16/04 14:29
Close $4.554 17/04 12:45 (user closed)
Profit £70.04
Open Long $4.528 17/04 13:23
Close $4.537 17/04 14:00 (user closed)
Profit £184.68
Then the proce fell steadily and seemed to bottom out a bit so I opened another postion at the current low and then desided to go the gym.
So I set a profit call on this new long position to close at about £450 profit (just below previous blip peak)
I also set my 'averaging down' postion which was now about £500 down on open price to close at about £800 profit, and my original position from monday to close at about £700 loss on the same price - the idea being they would effectively cancel each other out if the market blipped strongly upwards as it had done a couple of times the previous days. I realised that any 'blip' would likely be weaker than the previous day as the market was gradually moving down, so thought this price was a good compromise (it had peaked about £500 higher than that the previous day)
After I had a good workout and got home I found all my positions had closed. And the reults were a bit 'odd' seemingly missing my Profit Calls!
So I had
My original position that I had mistakenly opened near the resistance level (the one I been trying to get out of by averaging down)
Open Long $4.606 14/04 10:28
Close $4.632 17/04 15:30
Profit £498.18
My position I used as a second attempt to average down the first one
Open Long $4.537 17/04 @ 13:04
Close $4.632 17/04 @ 15:30
Profit £1977.99
My third position
Open Long $4.520 17/04 @ 14:08
Close $4.632 17/04 @ 15:30
Prpfit £2,331.95
So I calls my mate and asks if he got on that big hike on gass prices as I just made about £4800 in one go. He said it wasn't quite so much good fun if you were short at the time!! He's £4000 down. Says it just happend BAM just like that - no indication, no warning just a sequence of 1 min candles going down then the next candle starts way way up.
I had a look, and the chart is exactly like that. I asked him what the hell he was doing in a short position, I thought we had discussed this yesterday. He says the gas market has been so predictable today he had been taking long and short positions one after another and creaming off small profits playing the market both ways. His previous position had been long. Also this explained why my trades didn't close out on the profit calls - they never had chance because one price was well below those levels and the next was way above.
I was going long against the trend all day because of my Ukraine prediction but still getting some profits from the predictable blips. Then I started to wonder is it a fluke and nothing to do with Ukraine. I honestly don't know the answer
However I put Sky News on and on the ticker tape
Breaking News: Rueter - US Defense Secretary announces that the US will extend 'non lethal' support to Ukraine
Sorry it's been a long read - but here is the question I really need to understand
I made about £6000 on my £20,000 paper account in a week with a max exposure of about £5000 and usually much much less than that.
Was this luck or was it skill?
I'm using Plus500 in demo mode to trade CFDs and I find it pretty simple to understand and use. Here is an explanation of my trades so far, and my reasoning as I understand it
I started out by looking for companies on the US stock market who were big movers on the day, and selected a couple whose share wobbled around around quite a bit (say a dollar or so a day) but also were showing a steady longer term trend
The two I selected were Ctrip (Chinese tour operator) and Pandora (jewelery)
My first attempt went bad as I selected Ctrip which was showing a intraday downward move (as well as a downwards trend over several weeks) and as soon as I placed my short position of 300 shares (about £500 worth before leverage) it moved against me. I watched what was happening and eventually closed out with £151 loss once i figured the market was not gonna move in my favour.
I had a think about what had gone wrong, and the next day after looking at the chart over a period of days rather than minutes I realised I had made the mistake of placing a short position at a price which was at the support level of intraday swings.
Profits/Loss are after commision charges
Opened Long $55.49 08/04 @ 19.54
Closed $54.66 09/04 @ 14.35
Loss = £151.56
OK so one lesson I learnt straight away - look at what is happening 'now' in terms of what has been happening over a longer time frame - and know where the support and resistance levels are likely to be! DOH!
OK so armed with that lesson in mind I tried again.
My next attempt was a short position of 300 shares on Pandora (about £220 worth before leverage). This time looking for an intraday downward move (again in the direction of the longer term trend) and taking note of where support levels appeared to be
Opened Short $26.58 10/04 @ 19:10
Closed $26.25 10/04 @ 19:48
Profit = £58.95
My following trades over the next few days: all are for 300 share positions
Open Short $53.99 10/04 @18:40
Closed $53.45 11/04 @18:28
Profit £96.76
Pandora (I left this one open over the weekend and the market opened considerably against me by approx £180, but fell steadily so I waited all a day and eventually closed with a small profit)
Open Short $25:08 11/04 @19:46
Close $25:00 14/04 $25:00 @20:34
Profit £14.34
Ctrip (did this one while waiting for the above Pandora position to move in my favour)
Open Short $54.71 14/04 @ 17:49
Closed $54.36 14/04 @18.47
Profit £62.77
Pandora - This one was closed on a Profit Call as I had to go out take the missus to the gym
Open Short $25.21 15/04 @ 17:31
Closed $24.92 15/04 @ 17:48
Profit £52.00
Thought I was getting this all figured out now but the next one went bad. Having returned from taking the missus to the gym, I saw my profit call had been made, noticed the downward trend was still advancing and simply jumped in for another bite. The market trended strongly against me.
Lessons from this one -
1. The lesson I should have learnt from the first trade!!! (again) - I should have looked at the longer term picture as well as what is happening 'now'. I had entered short pretty much on the support line (lowest price for several month). When will I learn this lesson!!
2. I Should have got out of the trade much sooner. I was thinking the price would fall again late in the day as traders were oing to be 'profit taking'. Which leads to...
3. Trade what you see not what you think (I read that one here, now I believe it!)
The only thing I did have the sense to do was eventually realise this was a not a 'blip' but a bullish trend likely to extend into the following day and so got out before markets closed, licking my wounds. That at least I was correct about, prices opend up next day and have risen further since!
OK here is the trade:
Open Short $24.58 15/04 18:03
Closed $26.26 15/04 20:35
Loss : £301.35
Now around the time of the last few trades I was watching the news and on Monday (14th) I thought to myself hmmmm with all this trouble kicking off in Ukraine and seemingly getting more fractious by the day, I wouldn't be suprised if the price of Natural Gas went up. What with Russia being a major supplier to Europe, and the pipelines running through Ukraine. I thought probably something wouldn't have to 'happen' just the possibility of it happening - or media hysteria - could cause a rise.
So I went in long for about £650 worth of natural gas (35000 contracts which is about £96000 after leverage)
I also came to another thought as well. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have reasoned that a 'black swan' type of event, if one occurs is likely if anything to cause a big jump upwards in commodities like wheat, gas, oil etc and a big jump down in shares (apart from maybe defence companies and that sort of thing)
At least I figure that more times than not, that would be the effect. I have honestly not looked at historic data to see if this is true it just feels logical
Anyway, I made mistake number 1 again Aarghh!!! Look at the current price compared to recent prices before placing a position. So I went long on an upward 'wobble' when the price was near the resistance level
10 mins later I was £240 up. Another few mins I was £480 up. Did I take it? No. Here I am thinking I am right - trouble in Ukraine on the news tihis morning means gas prices will go up
Anyway i went shopping, got back and I am about £1300 down
I watched the prices all day and they did not really rally.
The next day I was about £900 down in the morning and while out at work I noticed prices were rising strongly. For a couple of hours I could have taken a profit between £400 and £800 but I didn't have the Plus500 app on my smartphone! Dispite a good friend who is also learning to trade telling me to do so. Infact we are having a bit of a competition between us to see who can make the most (or more likely lose the least) Gues what - I've installed the App on my phone now!
So by the time i get back to the office I am about £100 down and didn't close
10 mins later I am £1500 down
Next morning (yesterday) it's about this same. This time once again the price rallies in the middle of the day but only gets to about £170 loss on my original position so I didn't close
So over lunch my friend and I dicsuss this and by now I have figured roughly where the support and resistance levels are. He says 'hey Rich, why don't you open another position when the price is low and use it to 'average down' the original position. Hmmm I thought, seems like a good idea.
I also discuss with him that once i get out of this averaged down position I am gonna place some more trades when the gas price is near it's support level and get out when it has a little price rally.
So I set an alert at a low price which is on the support level. Before the price gets that low I see it looks pretty promising so place another long position. My friend does the same (for about 10000 contracts opposed to my 35000)
10 mins later he is out with £60. I refuse to take a profit, though the price rose to about £390 profit before falling back again.
Later the same day he goes long again, grabs a £45 profit and again I refuse to take my possible £212 before the price falls back again.
So now I have to start questioning my own psychology. I have missed out on about £600 of profits because I am waiting to average down my original position.
So last night I open a third position of 35000 contracts as the market has fell lower still. It is showing a definite downward drift.
Now this third positions i started to use to grab small profits from interim upward shifts, even though i am in a bear market (price has gradually drifted dwon by about a percent or so since Monday)
So I am trading against the market becaue I have a conviction that the situation in Ukraine is likely to push natural gas prices up
Therefore I did the foloowing trades. (I've started to use Profit calls now based just below the peaks of previous 'blips') because i realise I have a possible greed issue that I need to deal with
And I start making money from Natural Gas at last
And I am only going long, (against the market trand) because of my Ukraine conviciton
Open Long $4.533 16/04 19:02
Close $4.550 17/04 05:38 (profit call)
Profit £339.35
and simultaneously on another contract
Open Long $4.542 16/04 18:46
Close $4.560 17/04 08.40 (profit call)
Profit £360.00
Open Long $4.544 17/04 11:27
Close $4.546 17/04 11:47 (user closed)
Profit £41.62 (was double that when i hit 'close' but price slipped on me slightly)
This is the one I originally intended to average down the first one but it had been steadily moving away from me as the market dropped so closed it on a small profit when I had chance and opened a new one to average down the first one even stronger as the bottom of the dips was now lower by about £500 on a similar sized contract.
Open Long $4.550 16/04 14:29
Close $4.554 17/04 12:45 (user closed)
Profit £70.04
Open Long $4.528 17/04 13:23
Close $4.537 17/04 14:00 (user closed)
Profit £184.68
Then the proce fell steadily and seemed to bottom out a bit so I opened another postion at the current low and then desided to go the gym.
So I set a profit call on this new long position to close at about £450 profit (just below previous blip peak)
I also set my 'averaging down' postion which was now about £500 down on open price to close at about £800 profit, and my original position from monday to close at about £700 loss on the same price - the idea being they would effectively cancel each other out if the market blipped strongly upwards as it had done a couple of times the previous days. I realised that any 'blip' would likely be weaker than the previous day as the market was gradually moving down, so thought this price was a good compromise (it had peaked about £500 higher than that the previous day)
After I had a good workout and got home I found all my positions had closed. And the reults were a bit 'odd' seemingly missing my Profit Calls!
So I had
My original position that I had mistakenly opened near the resistance level (the one I been trying to get out of by averaging down)
Open Long $4.606 14/04 10:28
Close $4.632 17/04 15:30
Profit £498.18
My position I used as a second attempt to average down the first one
Open Long $4.537 17/04 @ 13:04
Close $4.632 17/04 @ 15:30
Profit £1977.99
My third position
Open Long $4.520 17/04 @ 14:08
Close $4.632 17/04 @ 15:30
Prpfit £2,331.95
So I calls my mate and asks if he got on that big hike on gass prices as I just made about £4800 in one go. He said it wasn't quite so much good fun if you were short at the time!! He's £4000 down. Says it just happend BAM just like that - no indication, no warning just a sequence of 1 min candles going down then the next candle starts way way up.
I had a look, and the chart is exactly like that. I asked him what the hell he was doing in a short position, I thought we had discussed this yesterday. He says the gas market has been so predictable today he had been taking long and short positions one after another and creaming off small profits playing the market both ways. His previous position had been long. Also this explained why my trades didn't close out on the profit calls - they never had chance because one price was well below those levels and the next was way above.
I was going long against the trend all day because of my Ukraine prediction but still getting some profits from the predictable blips. Then I started to wonder is it a fluke and nothing to do with Ukraine. I honestly don't know the answer
However I put Sky News on and on the ticker tape
Breaking News: Rueter - US Defense Secretary announces that the US will extend 'non lethal' support to Ukraine
Sorry it's been a long read - but here is the question I really need to understand
I made about £6000 on my £20,000 paper account in a week with a max exposure of about £5000 and usually much much less than that.
Was this luck or was it skill?
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