The FTSE to crash in JUNE 2010 ! according to this report.

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I have received this report via email, makes good reading but please don't follow it as advice and bet your house on it...

Get out of this death trap market NOW before you are ruined by...


Within the next 114 days I believe four catastrophic events will expose this ‘rebound’ for the LIE it really is... lay waste to the faltering UK economy... and make a continued recovery almost IMPOSSIBLE in 2010 or 2011...

If you think we’ve survived the worst... you could be in for the SHOCK of your life. Take a look:

1 The Coming British ‘Triple A’ disaster – WORSE Than Subprime! Forget the US housing panic that threw the world into recession. THIS threat is many times worse and millions of Britons are none-the-wiser. Yet if you’re 50+ or planning to retire between now and 2015 your wealth could be in grave danger. But there’s one way you could protect yourself, and turn the fallout to your advantage.We’ll show you how in this letter...

2 GET OUT! FTSE to Crash 50% by June 4th 2010! Learn how the Government’s secret ‘Maginot Line’ policy will smash the FTSE 100 back below 3,000 come summer… and two surprising plays you can use to help protect your portfolio immediately. In fact, these simple investments could even GROW while everything else falls through the floor...

3 EXPOSED: The Dark New ‘Financial Rule’ That Will Blow the UK Economy to Pieces! No one else dares tell this story. Politicians ignore it... the media shuns it. It appears on no balance sheet... no bank statement... and no Government report... Yet it’s going to have the biggest effect on the economy this year. But there’s one clever ‘crash play’ fund set to profit as the chaos unfolds (it gives you an extra INCOME too!)…

4 The Property ‘Honey Trap’ NO-ONE’S Telling You About! Estate Agents, lenders and politicians brag that house prices are in recovery right now. But there’s one area in Britain that’s going to suffer more than anywhere else. If you live in this house price ‘black spot’, have money in property here, or are simply thinking about buying in this area this year – you must read this NOW...

DECEPTION #1: The ‘Triple A’ Catastrophe WORSE Than Subprime! You are being lied to about the true state of our country’s finances. Here’s how to protect yourself – and potentially profit – from the UK’s coming Debt Disaster…

You already know the first wave of defaults in U.S. “subprime” mortgages sparked the economic meltdown...

What you might not know is that there’s a whole second wave of just as toxic debt in the pipeline... in a glut just as large... and potentially just as far reaching.

Except this time it has nothing to do with property... and it’s not Americans with shaky credit records you need to worry about defaulting... but our own government.

That’s right. Britain is right on the verge of going BANKRUPT.

You may not want to believe it… but the fact is, to save your wealth and protect your future, you are going to have to.

Because the government and their spin doctors are making damn sure this dirty secret doesn’t leak to the public till AFTER the election... and by then it could be too late for you to protect yourself.

Gordon Brown’s government is on a mission to mislead the nation – at the expense of your wealth

On 26th January 2010, the Prime Minister proudly told a packed press conference the ‘Great Recession’ was over...

He’s lying.

Sure, technically the UK economy ticked up a measly 0.1% in the last quarter of 2009 (even the dumbest investor knows that’s statistically insignificant)...

But look deeper into the underlying state of the country’s finances and a much darker picture emerges...

The truth is, Brown has backed himself into a corner he can’t get out of...

Over the last two years he’s borrowed more and more. Now the whole nation drags round heavy chains of debt – banks, government and people. We’re strangled by it.

And it only gets worse with every passing month!

Now the government has to find a staggering £676 billion this year just to meet its public spending commitments and repay its debt.

Trouble is income from taxes and other sources will only be £498 billion… leaving us with a crushing £178 billion shortfall in just one year.

And that’s just the start...

The same thing will happen in 2011, and 2012... until by 2015 economists calculate we’ll be £1.5 trillion in the red.

But countries can always borrow from one another when they get in a tight spot, right? What’s so different about THIS time?

There’s a BIG difference...

You see, up until now Britain has enjoyed its status as ‘AAA’ sovereign rated country – or ‘Triple A’, as we call it.

Essentially, it proves to the rest of the world Britain is a top-notch borrower... fully capable of repaying its debts. And it means we can pretty much borrow what we like.

But we’ve racked up SO much debt... SO fast... that confidence is wearing dangerously thin...

The time to prepare for a ‘full on’ collapse of the pound is NOW

The more the economy is weighed down under colossal debt... the more investors will sell their sterling positions... and dump the pound...

The more traders run... the lower the pound will fall... and the weaker it will remain.

Just look at what happened to the Icelandic Krona after they were stripped of their ‘Triple A’ rating! The Krona’s down 43% in 16 months. Sterling is down 20% since February 2008 and counting...

But we believe this is only the beginning of a nasty, long-term collapse of our currency against all others.

Here’s the thing...

Britain imports more than it exports. As the pound falls, everything we import gets more expensive.

It will further push up the cost of living – and the cost of doing business.

The worry for the Bank of England is that it will lead to more imported inflation.

The worry for YOU is that while you’re getting no richer... the pounds in your pocket are worth less... and prices will rise anyway.

We haven’t been this close to
going bust since 1976!

Back then the Government only warded off an utter collapse of the entire economy by going begging to the International Monetary Fund for an emergency “bailout” loan.

The following years were some of the worst in British economic history. Inflation soared... poverty skyrocketed... and the wealth of every household in the UK was slashed.

At most, we’re on the brink of repeating one of these scenarios, if not all three.

And now the very fact Britain’s worthiness of its ‘Triple A’ rating is in doubt… makes this outcome more likely than ever.

etc. etc..there was more but i think this is enough for now
The only thing missing from that piece was the "rush into gold now!" typical gold bug statement...always tickles me, why not 'rush' into Aus, Cad, Yen or Swissy..🙂

The trillions *created* by the central banking system in the: US, EU and UK specifically to save the system, eventually 'bled' into equities plenty of which were (IMHO) oversold after the crises of 2008/early 2009. Again (IMHO) we're past fair value but not by much...My big worry would be the rise in the mining sector which has pumped up the FTSE 100 and is not fair value given the logistics/extraction costs. I'd suggest a correction from here on in over the next 12-18 months would only be 10-15%...

I'd suggest that the wall/huge mountain of extra funding created to insure all party and counter-party risk will keep the system rescued and arguably solvent for some time. No crash, the profits are continuing to be privatised and the losses will be socialised on us (the plebs) for the next 2 decades...which is long as you recognise what's happening...😉
fleet street publications, effin 5hite, or could be a good guess, bound to call a correct move eventually..
2 get out! Ftse to crash 50% by june 4th 2010! Learn how the government’s secret ‘maginot line’ policy will smash the ftse 100 back below 3,000 come summer… and two surprising plays you can use to help protect your portfolio immediately. In fact, these simple investments could even grow while everything else falls through the floor...

But....but.. but I went short the FTSE at GBP100 a point based on this random thread I found on the interweb thingy. Is there someone that I can sue? Surely Igindex are at fault for accepting my money. Can I sue the LSE for stopping this guaranteed crash?