T & S


Junior member

I have a question
Is there also T&S for the Future Indices or only for NASDAQ Stocks??

Thank you :rolleyes:
There is T&S (time and sales) for futures, but no Level 2 for futures.

Nasdaq stocks have both T&S and Level 2.

And welcome to T2W. :D
You can get T&S for futures as well with packages such as Quotetracker and Tradestation so I would guess you can get it from most packages.

Thank you all for answering :cheesy:

You can get T&S for futures as well with packages such as Quotetracker and Tradestation so I would guess you can get it from most packages.

What about esignal ? :D
cucuchris -

You get Depth of Market with futures. Similar to L2, in that you only see size at each price, not who is making the price as you do with L2. This is because a futures exchange will typically have a central matching facility (eg, GLOBEX, Connect etc), rather than multiple market destinations as NASDAQ does.

Some data providers provide this, some dont. Sometimes have to pay extra.
you only see size at each price, not who is making the price as you do with L2. This is because a futures exchange will typically have a central matching facility (eg, GLOBEX, Connect etc)

Just a question

BY NASDAQ L2 and T&S you can see the Price of a Market maker ok I understand it

but for the Index Futures are that prices the Best 5 /10 bid/ask prices ? Is that right ?

Sorry I don ´t speak english very well so if you dont understand me just let me know it ;)

Thank you :cool:
L2 = market maker, size and price - current available prices in the market - at each price
DoM = size & price available at each price
T&S = Time, price, volume (size) that has already traded - its history.
Can anyone explain where Time and Sales data originates? What I mean is, does it come as a part of real time data, or is it a by product of Level 2?

In other words, would it be available to someone subscribing to real time (Nasdaq) data but not to Level 2?

In other words, would it be available to someone subscribing to real time (Nasdaq) data but not to Level 2?

Yes it is, in fact you can get T&S data for any instrument that is traded without needing any Level II subscription and you can even use IB as the datafeed for this.
