Using these indicators I placed a bet today. All the indicators were pointing down.....only for the market to rebound spectacularly in the wrong direction. Severely depressed I feared for my sanity. OK, not that bad, but you get the picture, then the market swings violently right back to near where I feel a bit light headed. As I write I'm still down, but at least I can stop hitting my gonads with the hammer, to take my mind off the sever pain in my wallet. Check the Dow Jones about 13.00 hours 15th May, you will see the scale of my woes....What I would like to know is this normal. Also I was very liberal in setting the stop loss, so I wasn't stopped out. I'm nearing profit now. I'm relatively new to this and I'm still finding my way around, so any comments about the placing of the bet, and the Liberal stop loss will be welcome.