SB has some good points going for it - you only need a couple of hundred £ to get some really good experience, you can start with very small stakes, you can SB 24hrs a day on some markets, the mechanics are simple.
However, don't be seduced by the constant motion of the markets. Just because they are moving all the time, and you can very easily take part in this, doesn't mean it is easy. The hardest SBing is very short-term intra-day stuff. Start with tiny stakes but long timescales, several days at least, until you are winning consistently. Manage your money so that you don't ever make a big loss on one position. Log what you are doing - and why: if you're not consistently profitable, keep auditing your strategies and researching and backtesting until you are. Don't worry about big profits, just stay in the game until your winners are consistently bigger than your losers, and there are more of them. Then increase your stake size, accept a bit more risk and watch the money roll in.