Spiriton Media Group

Let's get it straight. I'm not asking everyone to pay me. It must be done legally through a reputable fund holder, but it's no good people sitting on their hands trying to suck their thumbs. It's impossible!

I urge everyone to contact their local fraud adviser. The police are useless. Listen to the reports over blunders made by the police over the conviction of Delroy Grant.
There was an opportunity to highlight this whole scam in the press several months ago. How many people were willing to co-operate anonymously? Two plus me, and I havnt even lost any money.

Forget about getting 150 people together, most of them are too stupid or too stubborn to even admit they've been scammed.

I think some action can be taken against these people, even if it is only in the press initially. I am willing to help but I won't take any money from anybody. We still live in a country with some rule of law so I don't see why anyone needs to pay to report a crime. If you start using lawyers they'll fleece you just as much as SOM did, except they'll do it legally. The police may not initially be interested but it needs to be presented to them in such a way that they are forced to act.

If anybody wants me to try to help them PM me.
Hello everyone, especially newcomers!

It's the first time I've seen a name behind the so-called white knight, Sir Joseph Birch. Does anyone have a way to verify that this is true? Another thing that strikes me is that if Sir Birch failed on his(Legally binding?) agreement to make certain funding available to help the company, shouldn't he be held accountable in some way? Maybe I just woke up from a bad dream....lol

Another word of caution!! Everyone be careful not to fall prey to anyone that says they can help reclaim your losses. No offense to Latterly Wise but that is the next scam to hit our group. Won't you agree Mr. PB? The Hare is quite right in pointing out that these buggers are ruthless and chances are that it won't be SOM that is involved but other groups that specialize on going after failed company investors. Only deal with the liquidator that the court has file with. Outside (so called) companies are more likely scams.

Mr. Miller unfortunately a victim or not, should still be held accountable for some of the outlandish emails that he sent to us and I'm sure many investors added more money to the pot because of it. Who's to say that he didn't get a huge payoff or unloaded his shares as part of the sizable volume on the market? Maybe he should comment on his own defense. Nothing better than coming from the horses mouth!

Personally, to spend more money with the probability of seeing little response and filling the pockets of some lawyers to end up dragging on for another few years isn't appealing to me. Just like a bad marriage...divorce! Let it go....move on.......forget about what you lost....learn from it and if you marry again, be prepared to do it all over again!
Dear All

Here is Paul Millers recent e-mail concerning the fate of SOM. It is the first time the WK investor has been unveiled and so it seems we have two choices chase him for our money as he has agreed to bankroll SOM and/or chase SOM's Directors for the SCAM?

Dear SOM Investor,

As you may be aware, the new investor, Sir Joseph Birch ("JB"), of Birchwood Stud, North Tawton, Devon failed to perform under the legally binding Agreement signed through his company Energy Enterprises International Limited ("EEIL"). His procrastination made it impossible for SOM to meet the commitments to its creditors. Thus there was nothing that could be done to prevent VCL Film + Medien AG ("VCL") from applying to the Court to have the company wound up. The legally binding Agreement with EEIL, drawn up by an international firm of lawyers, Fasken Martineau, is attached for your perusal. This fully signed, witnessed and binding agreement, leaving no doubt whatsoever on its validity, did not allow SOM to continue any other negotiations.

The Agreement

Because the document is long, having 37 pages and is in two parts (the Agreement and the Unsecured Loan Note for the initial tranche of €25 million) I would particularly direct you attention to the most relevant pages:

· The signatures on Pages 4 & 5

· Paragraph 13 on page 3 which states that the provisions of paragraphs 1, 11, 13 & 14 shall become immediately binding. Paragraph 1 refers to the monies being immediately payable to SOM.

Proof of funds

Prior to the attached Agreement being drafted and signed, documents proving that JB had the requisite €70 Million under his control were sighted by the lawyers Fasken Martineau, which, as you will see, is made clear in the attached letter. This is the evidence that the Agreement was only drafted and signed after proof of funds was established and thus to all intents and purposes totally dependable and reliable. SOM was of course advised by Fasken Martineau throughout the negotiations and process.

The Official Receiver

Clough and Company of Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire has been appointed as the administrator and liquidator of SOM by the Official Receiver. When a company is wound up, there appear to be two distinct stages:

1. Investigation by the Official Receivers Office:
An investigation into how and why the company was brought into receivership. This stage is in progress and the SOM Directors have held meetings with the Official Receiver and Liquidator and no doubt further meetings will take place.

2. The liquidation:
This does not commence until stage 1 is complete. However, because SOM has no assets or money for the liquidator to disperse (because of the failure of JB to perform under the Agreement) except to seek recourse under the Agreement signed by JB, it is therefore up to the Liquidator to decide a way forward.

Recourse under the law

Of course, there is a breach of contract here and therefore there is the right of anyone who is harmed by this breach to pursue the matter through the court. Because of this, the agreement is an asset of the company and is now with the Official Receiver (OR) and Liquidator. Unfortunately, the fact is that litigation of this sort is always an expensive business with barristers and legal teams on both sides. As there is no guarantee of the findings of the court, it seems doubtful whether anyone would wish to pursue this course.

Claims for Tax loss

A number of our investors have asked about tax losses. Because SOM has not yet been officially pronounced liquidated, I would imagine that tax claims would be a little premature. However, as I am not a tax expert, I would advise checking that with your tax consultant.

Current situation

The Official Receiver now has control of SOM which is being administered by Clough & Company hence SOM’s new registered office with them. The SOM directors are, of course, no longer directors and therefore no longer have any control of SOM. Nevertheless, it is still possible to do a deal with and buy back the company from the liquidator. In this regard, there were other interested parties which were put on hold when the significant deal with Sir Joseph Birch was signed back in November 2010 and so funding from these and other parties is, of course, still being actively pursued with a view to establishing a viable solution.

In the meantime, it is unlikely that I will send out any more information until either SOM is officially liquidated or there is some rescue package that has been developed in which case I will resume the updates.

Kind Regards,

Paul Miller.

I have scanned both PDFs we have received and as individual witness address are listed I need to obscure these before I post copies here.

If there are any legal wizz kids out there your help will be greatly appreciated.

Also the Lawyers name 'Fasken Martineau' why does this ring a very LOUD bell???


I agree, you should not spend more money on this. Whilst you may get a successful prosecution my guess is that the money has been well laundered by now. Like I said before you shouldn't have to pay to have a crime investigated.

Fasken Martineau are the law firm located at SOMs old office address.

The following is fact based on documents from Companies House.

1. On 12 December 2008 Udo Schaar and Dieter Falkenhahn became Directors of Caribbean Island Traders.

2. On 15 December 2008 Caribbean Island Traders changed their name to Spiriton Media Group.

3. Up to this point (15 December 2008) Caribbean Island Traders had never issued any shares.

4. On 18 March 2009 SOM filed forms RES04 AND 123 with CH stating that shares had been issued in SOM on 15 December 2008.

From the above information freely available on the CH website you can see that there were no CIT shares in circulation and that shares in SOM were only issued in December 2008. You can also see that the two guys were Directors in CIT before the name change. In fact they were never appointed as Directors in SOM, they just became Directors in SOM when the name changed. Check it out for yourselves.


There is also a new address for SOM in London



It is also home (or 'virtual' home) to the following companies

Fasken Martineau LLP
Solicitors (Office & Administration)
Tel: 020 7917 8500
Address: 17 Hanover Square London W1S 1HU

Fiesta Havana
17 Hanover Square
London W1S 1HU
17 Hanover Square, Mayfair, London, W1S 1HU

17 Hanover Square, Mayfair, London, W1S 1HU

17 Hanover Square
London W1S 1HU


...and the list goes on.
With all due respect (Is it Peter or Paul?). You have created a rod for your own back by creating dissent. I have known about you for a very long time and your messages, but I'm sorry but you've got yourself a bit of a bad name as an upstart, particularly from SOM and Paul Miller and associates. This is why you have received busive e-mails. You need to turn all this round and instead of comlaining to Newspapers. come up with a comprehensive plan that can help people. If you say you haven't lost any money, does this mean that you are not an investor with SOM?

I first knew it was a scam in 2006 when I got a warning from the Swedish Finance Agency, viz Quote "We have warned for this firm because they have no licence in Sweden or within the EU to provide financial services. What we know they have no licence in Hongkong neither." End Quote. This of course related to ALV AG, because SOM didn't exist at the time. In the same way SOM is not registered with the FSA or to the German equivalent for that matter. viz Quote "In general, only companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market in Germany are subject of the provisions of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). According to my information Spirit ON Media Group PLC’s securities are listed on the regulated unofficial market at the Stock Exchange in Frankfurt an Stuttgart. Therefore, Spirit ON Media Group PLC is not subject to my supervision." End Quote.

Rather than creating scathing comments it would be better if you could turn your attention to appealing to people's collective nature to call for cooperation.

Regards .....
It seems Sir Joseph Birch has been involved with a few shady characters in the past.
I am not an SOM investor, people came to T2W for help/advice and I along with others provided it. Im not surprised the people running the scam were annoyed about this, I was slightly surprised that some of their victims were annoyed about it though. Telling people they have been the victim of a crime is not creating dissent, it is telling the truth, albeit an uncomfortable truth.

I think you may have been misinformed about me, you have probably been listening to the likes of Miller again, you should know by now that he cannot be trusted. By the way the approach was from the press via this forum, not to them and in any case it wasn't the newspapers.

With all due respect (Is it Peter or Paul?). You have created a rod for your own back by creating dissent. I have known about you for a very long time and your messages, but I'm sorry but you've got yourself a bit of a bad name as an upstart, particularly from SOM and Paul Miller and associates. This is why you have received busive e-mails. You need to turn all this round and instead of comlaining to Newspapers. come up with a comprehensive plan that can help people. If you say you haven't lost any money, does this mean that you are not an investor with SOM?

I first knew it was a scam in 2006 when I got a warning from the Swedish Finance Agency, viz Quote "We have warned for this firm because they have no licence in Sweden or within the EU to provide financial services. What we know they have no licence in Hongkong neither." End Quote. This of course related to ALV AG, because SOM didn't exist at the time. In the same way SOM is not registered with the FSA or to the German equivalent for that matter. viz Quote "In general, only companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market in Germany are subject of the provisions of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). According to my information Spirit ON Media Group PLC’s securities are listed on the regulated unofficial market at the Stock Exchange in Frankfurt an Stuttgart. Therefore, Spirit ON Media Group PLC is not subject to my supervision." End Quote.

Rather than creating scathing comments it would be better if you could turn your attention to appealing to people's collective nature to call for cooperation.

Regards .....
Who suggested using 'Fasken Martineau'? According to my Fraud advisor, you have two options:

1. Do absolutely nothing and get nothing - Cheap and easy.
2. Try and 'take up arms against a sea of troubles' (The Bard) or at least take a punt and hope that you win.

To take a negative defeatist view will get you nowhere. To quote from Dell boy, " He who dares, wins!"
Who suggested using 'Fasken Martineau'? According to my Fraud advisor, you have two options:

1. Do absolutely nothing and get nothing - Cheap and easy.
2. Try and 'take up arms against a sea of troubles' (The Bard) or at least take a punt and hope that you win.

To take a negative defeatist view will get you nowhere. To quote from Dell boy, " He who dares, wins!"

Nobody did.
....Rather than creating scathing comments it would be better if you could turn your attention to appealing to people's collective nature to call for cooperation.

Regards .....

Can we just all calm down here!!! PBOYELS and ANLEY have as far as I know not invested any monies into SOM!
They have quite rightly warned people that SOM is a SCAM and someone has got extremely rich off the back of ALV AG, Raze TV, and SOM.

As for the Newspaper and BBC Radio, yes only a few were willing to help expose SOM and other parties.
So if we do want to try then all 180+ investors known to Paul Miller must be pointed to this forum OR Paul Miller arranges it and we arrange a meeting, then everyone can decide if they wish to pay £50-£100 to start the process, once the money has run out then we regroup look how far we have got and then decided if it's worth any more cash??
I for one don't really want to throw good money after bad, but if we can take down these guys and get them locked up! I for one will want to visit them in prison!!

At the very least lets get their names known to the Police so that in this day and age a search on the computer database will highlight these individuals.


That was mentioned by VCL's solicitors.


He is mentioned in an SEC litigation document as having received money from a ponzi scheme. There's a lot to go through but I'll post some links later. Needless to say I don't think he's the White Knight you were promised.
Can we just all calm down here!!! PBOYELS and ANLEY have as far as I know not invested any monies into SOM!
They have quite rightly warned people that SOM is a SCAM and someone has got extremely rich off the back of ALV AG, Raze TV, and SOM.

As for the Newspaper and BBC Radio, yes only a few were willing to help expose SOM and other parties.
So if we do want to try then all 180+ investors known to Paul Miller must be pointed to this forum OR Paul Miller arranges it and we arrange a meeting, then everyone can decide if they wish to pay £50-£100 to start the process, once the money has run out then we regroup look how far we have got and then decided if it's worth any more cash??
I for one don't really want to throw good money after bad, but if we can take down these guys and get them locked up! I for one will want to visit them in prison!!

At the very least lets get their names known to the Police so that in this day and age a search on the computer database will highlight these individuals.



Too true! I have already spent good money trying to get advice from an advisor and putting this to you as a suggestion. I remember there was a time PM included all investor's names in his e-mail header, but searching back through all my e-mails to 2006 none contain these names. However PM was not a member of SOM until December 2008 when there were only about 40 investors.

Has anyone hear what happened to Harold Stevenson (ALV)?

I agree PM should contact all investors for a discussion on this matter.