So, what you're really sayin' is

David Knight

Established member
Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus

'Gordon Brown has urged world puppets to create a permanent form of global dictatorship to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 hoax.

The former Labour prime puppet, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world puppets, health expert puppets and the heads of the international (criminal) organisations that would have undemocratic powers to coordinate the police state.

A virtual meeting of the G20 group of developed and developing countries, chaired by Saudi Arabia, will be held on Thursday, but Brown said it would have been preferable to have also included the UN security council.

“This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.”

Brown said the current hoax was different to the one he was involved in. “That was an economic problem that had ‘economic’ causes and had no economic solution.

“This is first and foremost a medical hoax and there has to be joint action to deal with that. But the more you 'intervene' to deal with the medical hoax, the more you put economies at risk.”

During the financial crisis, Brown persuaded other global leaders of the need to bail out the banks and then hosted a meeting of the G20 in London, which came up with a $1.1tn theft package.'

Read More: Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus
We all new this would be mooted, just surprised that the evil lefties think that using GB to do the initial bidding would provide any credibility.
Bill Gates says Donald Trump needs to lockdown the US for SIX WEEKS to have any hope of 'flattening the curve' of the coronavirus infection rate

'As co-founder and ex-CIA mouthpiece of Microsoft, Bill Gates is famous for being one of the world's psychopathic people, but he is also known for his NWO activities, specifically funding the work towards eradicating deadly Africans.

As a result, he has become a leading (NWO) spokesman for disease control and eugenics, and has talked before at length about the risks our world faces should there be a new hoax outbreak as we are seeing now with Covid-19.

During a digital TED (CIA front) Talk with host Chris Anderson on 25 March, Gates was asked what he would (do) if he were president and tasked with leading (the) country through the worst hoax the world has seen in over 100 years.

Gates said that his NWO instructions would be to keep people across America enslaved to 'flatten the curve' of the coronavirus hoax; in other words, slowing down the rate at which the flu is spreading.

'The clear message [would be] that we have no choice (but) to maintain this tyranny and that's going to keep going for a period of time,' Gates said. 'In the Chinese case, it was like six weeks, so we have to prepare ourselves for that and do it very well.'

'If you're [a country] following NWO orders well, within about 20 days you'll see those numbers [of new cases] really change [go down] and that is a sign that you're on your way.'

Gates says that he would emphasize that to do this is not going to be easy, and ensure that such message is loud and clear for everyone to appreciate.

In a previous TED Talk in 2015, Gates had warned of the impact a global hoax could have on today's globalized society where people can quite freely travel across the globe.'

Status of COVID-19

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.
I took this photo today.

Social distancing is for those in prison.

The worst kind of prison is the one you create in your mind.

Status of COVID-19

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

Yes, its ironic that such a (usually) mild flu-like disease can have such a global impact on health services. We do know its incredibly contagious and there is no vaccine and no direct treatment. So we're back in the situation where we were in the 19th century when medicine was trying to deal with bacteria before vaccines of any kind and before antibiotics - in those days, a tooth abscess or a dog bite or a minor skin wound could be fatal.

Actually, if you heaven forbid contract any "19th century" bacterial disease today that needs intensive care treatment you're going to be in trouble - not enough beds or staff.
Tooth abscesses, animal bites and cuts and grazes can be just as fatal now as they ever were.

It is not some 'miracle' of modern medicine that has changed the normally expected outcome of these things.

What's different is the basic health and environment of the injured party.

Then or now, if you had a good varied, plentiful, diet, plus shelter from the elements and a supply of clean drinkable water or fluid equivalent, then you would be sure of surviving such things to a ripe old age.

You are born with a comprehensive immune system that has evolved to deal with most things that would commonly kill you otherwise, provided that you are able to supply it with the resources it uses to do so. [food water shelter]

That is not to say that hospitals and doctors and medicines don't also improve your chances of survival, especially in the event of serious injury, trauma, urgent surgery or otherwise fatal diseases/ infections.

But for the most part, the average well nourished human can expect to make it to old age without recourse to any special medical care or need to avoid injuries and common illnesses.

We have not eliminated any viruses. We have not cured any bacterial diseases. They are all still very much here.

These things kill just as many people now as they ever did- in places where food, water or shelter are absent.

Take away any one of those, be it by war, environmental disaster, accident or even inept social policy and you too can experience 19th century life expectancy very quickly indeed.

Tooth abscesses, animal bites and cuts and grazes can be just as fatal now as they ever were.

It is not some 'miracle' of modern medicine that has changed the normally expected outcome of these things.

What's different is the basic health and environment of the injured party.

Then or now, if you had a good varied, plentiful, diet, plus shelter from the elements and a supply of clean drinkable water or fluid equivalent, then you would be sure of surviving such things to a ripe old age.

You are born with a comprehensive immune system that has evolved to deal with most things that would commonly kill you otherwise, provided that you are able to supply it with the resources it uses to do so. [food water shelter]

That is not to say that hospitals and doctors and medicines don't also improve your chances of survival, especially in the event of serious injury, trauma, urgent surgery or otherwise fatal diseases/ infections.

But for the most part, the average well nourished human can expect to make it to old age without recourse to any special medical care or need to avoid injuries and common illnesses.

We have not eliminated any viruses. We have not cured any bacterial diseases. They are all still very much here.

These things kill just as many people now as they ever did- in places where food, water or shelter are absent.

Take away any one of those, be it by war, environmental disaster, accident or even inept social policy and you too can experience 19th century life expectancy very quickly indeed.


What about smallpox?
What about smallpox?

Smallpox is being intensively kept live with all the tender loving care money can buy in several rival germ warfare er, I mean biological research laboratories, around the globe, just in case there isn't some residual surviving viable source in the wild or a closely related species from which it could re-emerge.

And that, at best, is an accident waiting to happen.


For those interested, it is worth noting that some samples of the virus discovered in cold storage in 2014 and were subsequently found to be viable when tested. They were dated 1954, so had presumably been in store for 60 years.

The death rate for those unfortunate enough to contract smallpox was around 30%.

Those surviving the infection were generally left with severe skin surface scaring over most of their body.

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Smallpox is being intensively kept live with all the tender loving care money can buy in several rival germ warfare er, I mean biological research laboratories, around the globe, just in case there isn't some residual surviving viable source in the wild or a closely related species from which it could re-emerge.

And that, at best, is an accident waiting to happen.


For those interested, it is worth noting that some samples of the virus discovered in cold storage in 2014 and were subsequently found to be viable when tested. They were dated 1954, so had presumably been in store for 60 years.

The death rate for those unfortunate enough to contract smallpox was around 30%.

Those surviving the infection were generally left with severe skin surface scaring over most of their body.


Smallpox has been eradicated in the human population.
Smallpox has been eradicated in the human population.
Indeed it has.

But has been established as capable of surviving 60 years inert in cold storage.

And live samples are kept in level 4 labs* around the world.

What human smallpox virus has not been, is eliminated.

Make no mistake here- I'm delighted that there are no cases of smallpox at present, and have been none for decades, but remain all too aware that viable smallpox continues to be preserved in known laboratories, and possibly in yet to be found samples like those that have turned up already. - As well as in countless human remains at locations around the globe buried in permafrost conditions on a planet with a warming climate trend.

To say that we have seen the last of this killer virus in the human population is... somewhat optimistic.

* That's the same classification of lab as the one that is situated near ... Wuhan, China.
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Indeed it has.

But has been established as capable of surviving 60 years inert in cold storage.

And live samples are kept in level 4 labs* around the world.

What human smallpox virus has not been, is eliminated.

Make no mistake here- I'm delighted that there are no cases of smallpox at present, and have been none for decades, but remain all too aware that viable smallpox continues to be preserved in known laboratories, and possibly in yet to be found samples like those that have turned up already. - As well as in countless human remains at locations around the globe buried in permafrost conditions on a planet with a warming climate trend.

To say that we have seen the last of this killer virus in the human population is... somewhat optimistic.

* That's the same classification of lab as the one that is situated near ... Wuhan, China.

Smallpox is no longer present in the human population. This has been through the application of health and medical science, nothing to do with the provision or quality of food, water and shelter. As for most bacteria and viruses, these human environmental factors are irrelevant. In fact, it could be argued that as a semi-parasitic organism what a virus needs most of all is a healthy active host who can continue to spread the virus to new hosts.
In fact, it could be argued that as a semi-parasitic organism what a virus needs most of all is a healthy active host who can continue to spread the virus to new hosts.
On this point only I'd wholeheartedly agree with you. Any organism that wipes out or otherwise destroys all the resources it needs for it's own continued survival (as humans seem intent on doing generally) is going to ensure it's own extinction very quickly. What tends to happen is that the pathogen/ host relationship evolves at least to a point of equilibrium where the fatality rate it causes doesn't significantly impact upon the supply of new hosts to infect.

Smallpox is no longer present in the human population.
Quite right. A point I've also made in every post.

It is however, very much present on the planet and will remain so.

It wasn't eradicated from the population by some wondrous magical application of medical science.

It was eradicated by the very simple (although requiring massive resources to implement) means of tracing every case of an infected person to every other person they had been in contact with and isolating them all from infecting anyone else.

It's not rocket science or brain surgery, it's quarantine and it works.

Of all the responses seen in Nations around the globe, only the South Koreans are seriously attempting to follow this strategy.

If you want to stop the spread of an infectious disease, the simplest way is to eliminate the point of infection, breaking the transmission cycle.

Which, when dealing with an infection that is airborne transmissible, shows few symptoms in many it infects, has a multi-week incubation period before displaying symptoms, and has already been spread far and wide to every corner of the globe to countless millions of unknown infected persons, then you've frankly got bugger all chance of stopping it.

David — Today has been the deadliest day so far in the UK, with the number of COVID-19 related deaths rising by 563. Lucy’s partner is on the NHS frontline treating patients. She says NHS workers aren’t getting the protective equipment they urgently need. She’s campaigning for the Government to do more, will you help by signing?​
10,393 have signed Lucy Wathan’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!​

Right now, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for NHS frontline staff is inadequate and inconsistent across the country.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) PPE guidelines for doctors and nurses caring for COVID-19 patients say all staff should be provided with:​
  • Medical mask
  • Gown
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection (goggles or face shield).

But the Government is ignoring this. My partner is a nurse caring for patients with respiratory symptoms who are awaiting COVID-19 test results.

The tests currently take up to 72 hours. Many of the patients are very ill, elderly, vulnerable and have complex needs. Many staff come into contact with patients awaiting their results. That’s why it’s not enough to only give PPE to staff treating those who test positive.

There are PPE shortages across the country. Some are forced to use DIY goggles. Staff like my partner feel inadequately protected and vulnerable to infection, and cannot understand why the required PPE is not being supplied.

They feel unable to carry out their job properly and protect patients. The NHS is hugely understaffed and NHS trusts rely on both permanent and agency staff to do extra shifts to cope with the shortfalls. We can’t expect workers to take on extra shifts on a ward dealing with actual & potential COVID-19 patients without adequate PPE.

And if we do, we will lose vital key workers in this pandemic if we do not immediately take steps to ensure their safety.
I urge the Government to guarantee that ALL frontline NHS staff feel safe and valued, by providing adequate masks, gowns, gloves & eye protection for ALL those coming into contact with potential COVID-19 patients (including those dealing with unconfirmed cases).
Please sign to add pressure on the Government to ensure PPE is in place NOW in all places where it is needed.
Thank you for your support.​

If only other countries could be led by useless, self congratulating, pencil necks like Gove and Hancock just think what a better world it would be.,
And now, getting this thread back on track for the gut wrenching dystopian nightmare that was originally planned..

Just a minute... just a minute Dave, my sensors are picking up something.
What is it Hal?
It sounds like boots marching down the street. Yes, it's unmistakable.
What does it mean?
It's human error Dave. In the end, it was always human error. They're getting louder..
How long have we got Hal?
Sensors indicate they will arrive in the next post.
Screenshot (947).png

Maybe they don’t know they are actors. Maybe they really believe they’re cleaning the city of virus. But to me, they look like actors. Carrying their little props. Pawns in a game, except it’s no game.

If they look over dressed, It’s because they mean business. They’re taking the fight straight to the virus. Marching in rank. Fighting the good fight. Germ warfare. An army of humans to scrub the country clean.

And they never go anywhere without their camera man. Showing the world what heroes they are.

Keeping you safe with disinfectant, or maybe that’s fake. Spraying the concrete, walls and tarmac and car tyres.

Because you never know when a momentary airborne virus can survive long enough to tear itself off a hard surface and launch itself into the air to infect the disobedient, who refuse to wear a mask.

Who are these guys really? They look like robots. Which section of the Department of Misery is this goon squad from? The Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Truth, would it even matter?

Yes, we can learn a lot from China. How to ‘lockdown’ the peasants and shut down the world.

‘Social distancing’ ‘quarantine’ ‘isolation’. New world, new words. Big Brother is leading the way, making new laws, and adding to the hymn sheet. Unemployment bankruptcy, well, that’s nothing new.

If a few hundred images like this won’t knock that hoax theory out of me, well, I don’t know what will. If the daily routine of slow motion, miserable zombies shuffling around the town won’t convince me I need to get with the programme I don’t know what will.

Maybe it will come down to simple maths. It usually does. An ideology here, a few million dead there. A pack of lies here, a few less freedoms there.

We’ve seen it before, we’ll see it again. There’s nowhere to hide, it’ll get you in the end. Maybe.
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Maybe they don’t know they are actors. Maybe they really believe they’re cleaning the city of virus. But to me, they look like actors. Carrying their little props. Pawns in a game, except it’s no game.

If they look over dressed, It’s because they mean business. They’re taking the fight straight to the virus. Marching in rank. Fighting the good fight. Germ warfare. An army of humans to scrub the country clean.

And they never go anywhere without their camera man. Showing the world what heroes they are.

Keeping you safe with disinfectant, or maybe that’s fake. Spraying the concrete, walls and tarmac and car tyres.

Because you never know when a momentary airborne virus can survive long enough to tear itself off a hard surface and launch itself into the air to infect the disobedient, who refuse to wear a mask.

Who are these guys really? They look like robots. Which section of the Department of Misery is this goon squad from? The Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Truth, would it even matter?

Yes, we can learn a lot from China. How to ‘lockdown’ the peasants and shut down the world.

‘Social distancing’ ‘quarantine’ ‘isolation’. New world, new words. Big Brother is leading the way, making new laws, and adding to the hymn sheet. Unemployment bankruptcy, well, that’s nothing new.

If a few hundred images like this won’t knock that hoax theory out of me, well, I don’t know what will. If the daily routine of slow motion, miserable zombies shuffling around the town won’t convince me I need to get with the programme I don’t know what will.

Maybe it will come down to simple maths. It usually does. An ideology here, a few million dead there. A pack of lies here, a few less freedoms there.

We’ve seen it before, we’ll see it again. There’s nowhere to hide, it’ll get you in the end. Maybe.

Ahhsoles the lot of em.

Still intrigued by the hoax, the virus is real according to my telescreen, the mathematics say it's fine until it isn't, therefore the telescreen keeps telling me to stay at home and give the clap to the NHS.

Is the hoax an opportunity? Who is the opportunity for and what is it's end goal? I get nothing but virus from the telescreen as all other normal fakery is pushed aside, therefore I am blind to any other goings on other than virus news.

So I seek an alternative view to the telescreen view, which leads me down many rabbit holes, then when I glance back to the telescreen they have invented new myths to dispel, we are onto lemons and false promises of a test in exchange for blood.

Then I glance back at the alternative news and follow Alice down a rabbit hole.........