Labour Party - not all bad.


Established member
Admittedly, this chap is not an MP, he's just a candidate, and I can't think that his views are going to do him any favours with Lord Monkeyspunk are the other weasels in charge of Labour.

Refreshingly candid views however - looks like a thoroughly good egg. I'd be tempted to vote for him if he were standing in my constituency.

Mr Sood said: ''Immigration has gone up which is creating friction within communities.

''The loss of social values is the basic problem and this is not what the Labour Party is about.

''I believe Gordon Brown has been the worst prime minister we have had in this country.

''It is a disgrace and he owes an apology to the people and the Queen.''

Mr Sood is reported to have said: "We have to get back to basics where people can leave their money outside for the milkman without it being stolen."

The councillor also believes the Queen should have more respect and more say in government decisions.

Asked on Sky News if he stood by the comments, Mr Sood replied: "Absolutely, yes.

"Obviously this is a very serious matter because we have a Prime Minister standing so close to the General Election and things are going totally wrong, and it's a real disaster for the cities, the country and the nation.

Citing Labour's planned increase in National Insurance and rising fuel prices, Mr Sood went on: "All the policies he [Brown] is bringing in are a total disaster."

In contrast to the magnificent Mr Sood, this is the response from the po-faced local party pi55-whistle:

David Collis, chairman of North West Norfolk Constituency Labour Party, said: "Manish Sood does not represent the views of North West Norfolk Labour Party members. (Although I suspect he might represent the views of a lot of North West Norfolk voters lol).

"Manish has been divorced from this campaign for some time but clearly determined to get as much attention for himself as possible.

"Despite having such a dreadful candidate, loyal Labour members will continue to put the case for Gordon Brown as the best man to take Britain forward. 😆😆

"This is the latest in a series of bizarre comments which he has made over a long period of time, and local Labour supporters in North West Norfolk want to make it clear that local members do not share his views. 😆😆😆

"We are fully in support of Gordon Brown as leader of our party and of the excellent campaign he is running. 👎

"Now more than ever, Britain needs a Labour Government :-0 to secure a future fair for all and we will make clear to Manish Sood how angry we are with him at the next meeting of the constituency party." 😆😆😆

A party source said North West Norfolk CLP had considered deselecting Mr Sood on several occasions in the past but had decided it "wasn't worth the effort", given the large Tory majority.

Mr Sood was likely to face a motion of censure at the next meeting of the CLP after the election, the source added.

Go Sood!
"The Soaraway Sun says 'Sood off, Manish"

"Vanish, Manish!"

"Disloyal candidate - Soodemite? - Might be!"

[That'sh enough shoodomy - Ed]

LOL, very good.

I was thinking in terms of Mannish Boy muddying the waters (Labour PPC attacking the PM kind of thing) which obviously is not up to much.
Sood escapes from pseud corner of Labour party.

Sood sued for losing election for Labour

Rude Sood booed by lewd dude in very bad mood.