Site Enhancements


In future I'll use this thread to announce any minor enhancements to the site, so that members are kept in the loop.

For those who were not already aware, you can get back to the home page , by simply clicking on the T2W logo in the top left hand corner of the page. Although this is a fairly common convention on website, it's not intuitive to all members so I've put the link back to the home page on the Community drop-down menu.

I've added a quick search of the forums to the forum overview page which can be used as a shortcut to the advanced search page.

The two featured products displayed in the T2W store section on the home page now show a random selection from all our featured products. These are just a selection of all the products we stock, but you can now quickly access them all by category via the relatively new Store drop-down menu.
Similar Threads

The newest enhancement to the Forums is a feature we call "Similar Threads". For every thread in the forum (now well over 6,000!), we've tried to come up with suggestions for similar threads that may be of interest to you (with the help of a bit of automated magic). To see this working, simple look at the bottom of this thread below the "Quick Reply" box and you'll see 5 threads on a similar theme.

We hope you'll find this a useful addition to the forums that will make it easier to navigate our increasingly growing library of threads.

Please note that because the choice of "similar threads" is automated - they system does it's best to find threads that it thinks relevant to the existing thread. It's very difficult to make this process full-proof so inevitably some results wll be more relevant than others.
-Similar threads -

seems to take me to the beginning of each thread.

what are the chances of going to the 'last page' instead ?
I've added the familiar "last post arrow" to the last post column - on the far right - clicking this will now take you to the last post in that thread.

I'm finding it useful on some threads more than others, but overall I think its a worthwhile addition to the forum threads - let me know what you think.
Rearranged the order of the forums on the forum homepage, and grouped "general trading chat' and 'first steps' into a new category. As always let me know if you think it can be further improved.
Not yet, but I'll take another look this afternoon - and let you know what I think.