

Junior member
I am running Sierra and mytrack. I wish to have say the dow on one screen and say s&p500 on the other but I cant seem to be able to move a chart on to the second screen. Can anyone tell me if its possible and how to do it. Cheers Mel

Load up the 2 charts. Then go to Windows (on the menu bar) and select Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically.
Hi Selbats
Did as you said then used mouse to try and move chart from left screen to right. Althouh disapears from left will not reapear on right?. Any more info will be appreciated. Cheers Mel
From the manual, might be of use:

Viewing Charts in Multiple Monitors

Put the main Sierra Chart window in a normal state. Not a maximized or minimized state. Right click over the title bar of the main window and Select Restore to be in a normal state. Adjust the position and size of the main window to fully cover the two monitors or three monitors if you have three monitors. Open 2 or 3 charts into a chartbook. Multiple charts can be opened at the same time in Sierra Chart. Put those windows also in a normal state. Adjust the position and size of one of the windows to fill up one monitor, adjust the other to fill up the other monitor, and adjust any remaining charts you have to fill up other monitors. Select File >> Save on the menu to save the charts in a chartbook so the window positions are saved.

Sorry didnt realise that you were talking about using multiple monitors. Can't help you on that one I'm afraid.
Run two instances of Sierra (they will have to be from different install directories) and put one on one monitor and one on another. There is no other way of doing it.

I have 2 monitors with Sierra charts across both screens.

I just drag the main outside border of Sierra over to the 2nd screen and place the charts I want inside them. I leave a space where the screens break.

I have my main charts on 1 full screen & a couple of small charts on the edge of the other screen, so that I can use the rest of the screen to monitor other things.
Thanks one and all for the info, used Olwenh method in the end found this easier to do. Lets hope it helps me to become a better trader. Regards Mel
I run sierra using mytrack data for an hourly candle chart of eur/usd future. I have the time scale adjustment set to 5:00 to give UK hours. On monday morning my data only starts to feed in from the 06:00 bar. If the contract begins trading at 17:30 on sunday afternoon in chicago then surely i am missing some data? any help which setting i need to adjust much appreciated.