

Probably a bit of an old chesnut this one.

According to the Sierra documentation for the Nov 2004 version Historical data from mytrack can be run in the same instance of sierra as that running IB Intra-day data. I have been through the instructions and and added the mytrack info into the data feed window but am unable to download any historical data.

Mytrack is enabled for Sierra.

Anyone got any ideas, or if not can point me in the right direction if this has been covered before?

fillyerboots said:
Probably a bit of an old chesnut this one.

According to the Sierra documentation for the Nov 2004 version Historical data from mytrack can be run in the same instance of sierra as that running IB Intra-day data. I have been through the instructions and and added the mytrack info into the data feed window but am unable to download any historical data.

Mytrack is enabled for Sierra.

Anyone got any ideas, or if not can point me in the right direction if this has been covered before?


I sent them an email about mytrack and historical data yesterday as I run an intraday version and want to add an eod version as well. They sent me an email saying I needed to download a second copy of Sierra into a different directory and then subscribe to mytrack.
schoe said:
I sent them an email about mytrack and historical data yesterday as I run an intraday version and want to add an eod version as well. They sent me an email saying I needed to download a second copy of Sierra into a different directory and then subscribe to mytrack.

That's been the standard way of doing things for a while. Perhaps I will send them an e-mail as well.

Thanks for the reply.